Tag Archives: Peace Song of the Day

Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair: Peace Song for 1/16/2012

“All across the nation such a strange vibration…” It was true in 1967, and it is true today.

So, “San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Flowers In Your Hair)” by John Phillips is/was the Peace Song of the Day for January 16th.


[This Peace Song of the Day was actually first announced/posted on 1/29/2012 as part of a marathon catch-up session.]

Tenting Tonight: Peace Song for January 10, 2012

Tenting Tonight On The Old Campground [aka “Tenting Tonight”] is the Peace Song of the Day for January 10th. It is a song from 1863, written by Walter Kittredge. You can find lyrics, chords, and resources for this song in the Rise Up Singing songbook on page 5.

Yes, the song is about war: It was written during the Civil War and is about the lives of soldiers. Though, the song also lists the problems of war, and expresses the yearning for peace. This song was sung by both Confederate soldiers and Union soldiers.

Because the theme is a wish for the war to end, and the subject is camping out in tents, we also thought this would make a good song for occupy activists to use as is or to adapt.

Continue reading Tenting Tonight: Peace Song for January 10, 2012

Poor Boy Blues: Peace Song for January 8, 2012

[Today at Peace Couple we are going to do some serious catching up on Peace Song of the Day. We won’t tweet them all. But, if you check back tonight, you will find a long list of songs that celebrate peace and justice in the spirit of nonviolence!]

The Peace Song of the Day for January 8th is “Poor Boy Blues” [aka “Poor Boy A Long Way From Home”]. It is a traditional song with many variations, and many artists who have covered it. We are going to feature the video and lyrics with Mississippi John Hurt. There is also a rockin’ version with Chet Atkins and Mark Knopfler at Youtube: here.

Continue reading Poor Boy Blues: Peace Song for January 8, 2012

People are not the same: Peace Song for 1/4/2012

The Color Song by Patricia Shi is the Peace Song of the Day for January 4th. You can find the lyrics and chords to this song in the Rise Up Singing songbook on page 238. The song uses child-like images and simplicity to share an important message about diversity.

You can find a sample of this song, and/or purchase the CD or MP3 of the album at CD Baby: here. You can find more songs, books, and good ideas (for children and adults) at Patricia Shih’s website: here.

Excerpt from lyrics: Continue reading People are not the same: Peace Song for 1/4/2012

Peace Song of the Day for 1/2/2012 and thoughts on catching up

We Are One In The Spirit by Peter Scholte, is/was the Peace Song of the Day for January 2, 2012.

This is a more specifically religious song than we usually put on the Peace Song list. Though, it has themes of peace, unity, and working together which resonate with the life of a peace activist. So, take what you like, and leave the rest, as they say. (For more thoughts about songs and religion, and for a secular version of “We Are One In the Spirit”, see the Peace Couple post: here.)


The Duke and Duchess of Peace (aka Ian and Kimberly of Wilderside, Ltd) announce a Peace Song for every day of the year. The Duke and Duchess believe that one of the ways to peace is through joyful, nonviolent entertainment. We encourage you to express yourself with singing, playing, and/or composing music about peace!

Song variations: We Are One In The Spirit (religious and secular)

Since Peace Couple is designed as a gathering place for people who strive for peace, nonviolence, and harmony, we try to keep it open to people of all (or no) faiths and philosophies. While some people find religion and spirituality to be uplifting and build community, other people are concerned with the way that the practice of a specific religion can create differences, confuse people, or leave people out.

So, we have been choosing peace songs that avoid naming or praising god or a specific religion.

But, what about wonderful songs, with powerful ideas, which may resonate from our past, and/or help articulate good visions for a world of peace? Continue reading Song variations: We Are One In The Spirit (religious and secular)