“Love Train”, written by Kenny Gamble and Leon Huff, and performed by The O’Jays, is the Peace Song of the Day for March 5th.
More about this song: Continue reading Don’t you wanna ride this Love Train?: Peace Song for 3/5/2012
“Love Train”, written by Kenny Gamble and Leon Huff, and performed by The O’Jays, is the Peace Song of the Day for March 5th.
More about this song: Continue reading Don’t you wanna ride this Love Train?: Peace Song for 3/5/2012
Sometimes feelings are too rich for words. Sometimes the words do not flow.
The Peace Song of the Day is usually something very singable, with lyrics that reflect on peace or justice. Though, the winter has cast a lull on the Duchess (if you notice, we are very behind on our daily project) and the winter has stirred deep feelings. So, the Peace Song for today has no words. It reflects peace by creating healing, and perhaps tuning one in to the season, in the hopes of bringing inner harmony.
The Peace Song of the Day for March 3rd is “Contemplating Winter” by Jayson Williamson. It is a new composition, inspired by Native American music, performed on Native American flute.
Continue reading A winter reflection too rich for words: Peace Song for 3/3/2012
“A Little Good News” performed by Anne Murray is the Peace Song of the Day for February 23rd. The song was written by Charlie Black, Rory Bourke, and T Rocco. This song is full of images and personal impressions about what is in the media, and what should be in the media.
Continue reading What kind of news is this?: Peace Song of the Day for 2/23
Tom Paxton‘s song, Peace Will Come, is the Peace Song of the Day for February 22nd. It is a very sweet, simple song, which would be great for sing-a-longs, or a personal meditation.
Continue reading Let peace begin with me: Peace Song of the Day for 2/22
“Saltwater” by Julian Lennon is the Peace Song of the Day for February 21st. Duchess Susanna found this song among a huge list of antiwar songs posted at Wikipedia:
Continue reading Saltwater in Lennon’s Eyes: Peace Song of the Day for 2/21
“Soldiers” by ABBA is the Peace Song of the Day for February 20th. Duke Augustus found this song among a huge list of antiwar songs posted at Wikipedia: here.
Continue reading Let’s not look the other way: Peace Song of the Day for 2/20
Angels & Airwaves is not the usual kind of group that makes the Peace Song of the Day list. They are an alternative rock band, in the Space Rock style. Though, one of their songs clearly shows the horrors of war, and points to peace. Hope you find it interesting.
“The War” by Angels & Airwaves is the Peace Song of the Day. The song is made extra singable by a chorus of “Oh’s”. (In some live versions, they are almost a yo-oh rock yodel, which the audience can sing-a-long with.)
Continue reading Angels against war: Peace Song of the Day for 2/19