Tag Archives: Peace Song of the Day

My mind is set on freedom: Peace Song for 5/8/2012

Woke Up This Morning With My Mind On Freedom” is the Peace Song of the Day for May 8th.

Sample lyrics and more about this song choice at the readmore…

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Remembering “Ohio” by CSNY is the Peace Song of the Day for 5/4

Ohio” by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young  is the Peace Song of the Day for May 4th. Today is the 42nd anniversary of the shootings of nonviolent anti-war protesters at Kent State. During the late ’60s, the music of CSNY (Chicago/We Can Change the World, Long Time Gone, Cost of Freedom) reported on the events of the day better than the TV news. We could use someone like them to write “Fallujah” and “Oakland” today.

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJqFwCFeosg]  Continue reading Remembering “Ohio” by CSNY is the Peace Song of the Day for 5/4

“My Guitar Gently Weeps” by George Harrison is the Peace Song of the Day for 5/1 May Day

My Guitar Gently Weeps” by George Harrison is  Peace Song of the Day for May Day, May 1st.  The song was first recorded by The Beatles.  Today, a phalanx of guitars, marching in the Occupy Guitarmy,  of part of May Day celebrations. (Information at the Occupy Guitarmy website: here.)  Also the track is in honor of the Duchess’ Tearwater Tea Party for May Day.  Harrison credits the inspiration for the song to the I Ching.

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hRVu-T73Zo]  Continue reading “My Guitar Gently Weeps” by George Harrison is the Peace Song of the Day for 5/1 May Day

“One Guitar” by Willie Nile is the Peace Song of the Day for 4/30

One Guitar” by singer/songwriter Willie Nile is the Peace Song of the Day for April 30th. Tomorrow, a thousand guitars, marching in the Occupy Guitarmy, will perform song as part of their set list. (There is still time to join. Info, schedule, and set lists at the Occupy Guitarmy website: here.)

Continue reading “One Guitar” by Willie Nile is the Peace Song of the Day for 4/30

If You Want To Be Free: Peace Song for 4/29/12

If You Want To Sing Out” by Yusuf Islam (formerly Cat Stevens) is the Peace Song of the Day for April 29, 2012. A video of this song was posted at OccupyWallSt.org in relation to the upcoming Occupy May Day/General Strike activities. So, we wonder if folks may be singing this one in the streets on Tuesday.

Continue reading If You Want To Be Free: Peace Song for 4/29/12

Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme: Peace Song for 4/26/2012

Today’s post carries many messages and many layers.

Scarborough Fair” is the Peace Song of the Day for April 26th. It is a beautiful song of hope and longing. You can find lyrics for the old, traditional version at www.gardenerspath.com: here.

The version many of us hum to ourselves is the Simon and Garfunkel version. “Scarborough Fair/Canticle” takes the old song, and mixes it with an antiwar counterpoint (“Canticle”, based on Simon’s song, “The Side of a Hill”).

Mysteries and Meaning of the traditional, English ballad, Scarborough Fair… Continue reading Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme: Peace Song for 4/26/2012