Tag Archives: Peace Song of the Day

Reach out and touch somebody’s hand: Peace Song for 1/1/2012

“Reach Out And Touch Somebody’s Hand”, by Ashford and Simpson (famously recorded by Diana Ross) is the Peace Song of the Day for this first day of the new year.

The video below includes the composers, Nick Ashford and Valerie Simpson, singing the song, with a star-studded cast of additional vocalists. It is fun viewing for this holiday weekend.

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From the old things to the new: Peace Song for 12/31

Happy New Year!

“One More Step” by Sydney Carter is the Peace Song of the Day for December 31st. You can find the words and chords in the Rise Up Singing songbook on page 235.  It is a hymn. Though, it’s references to the almighty are vague enough, that it could be enjoyed by people of all creeds, faiths, or philosophies. The words give inspiration for moving forward in the New Year with love and courage

Continue reading From the old things to the new: Peace Song for 12/31

Peace, justice, and food: Peace Song for 12/27

Common Thread by Pat Humphries is the Peace Song of the Day for 12/27. You can find the lyrics and chords to this song in The Rise Up Singing songbook on page 238.

More about this song… Continue reading Peace, justice, and food: Peace Song for 12/27

For your holiday wanderings: Peace Song for 12/26/2011

The Peace Song of the Day for 12/26 is Wanderin’. It’s a traditional song, adapted by Sammy Kaye. You can find it in the Rise Up Singing songbook on page 236.

This song is dedicated to everyone who traveled, wandered, (or did the preparing for) visits with family and friends this holiday season…

Continue reading For your holiday wanderings: Peace Song for 12/26/2011

Happy Xmas (War Is Over): Peace Song for 12/12/2011

Happy Xmas (War Is Over) by John Lennon and Yoko Ono is the Peace Song of the Day for December 12, 2011. A beautiful and hopeful song for the holidays.

I think it is fascinating how people have different reactions to Yoko Ono than they usually might, because she was married to someone that the world admired and desired. For those people who can understand the importance of Yoko Ono in her own right — as a brilliant artist, and a peaceful musician — it is very fun to follow her on Twitter. You can find her at: @yokoono She often posts thought-changing ideas, and fun, suggested challenges.
Continue reading Happy Xmas (War Is Over): Peace Song for 12/12/2011

Drums of War: Peace Song for 12/11/2011

That's Sonny Meadows, on the right. (Love those shades!)

It’s the last day of “Sonny Meadows Week” at Peace Couple! (If you have not headed over to CD Baby to check out his work, and get copies for yourself and as gifts, you should do so now, while you remember.)

On this last day: What song should we pick?…

“Drums of War” by Sonny Meadows is the Peace Song of the Day for December 11th. You can find this song on the album Bibles, Guns & Flags. In the liner notes, Sonny Meadows comments on his inspiration for this song:

Written in response to Kosovo and my own personal experiences in Viet Nam, but applies to the Mid-East, Africa and everywhere we let vengeance take the place of common sense.

You can find a sample of this song, or buy the album or MP3,
at CD Baby: here.
(Drums of War is Track 4)

Excerpt from lyrics: Continue reading Drums of War: Peace Song for 12/11/2011

Never Thought I’d Miss Richard Nixon: Peace Song for 12/10/2011

I Never Thought I’d Miss Richard Nixon by Sonny Meadows is the Peace Song of the Day for December 10th. This song is on the album of the same title, and performed by Blacklisted & The Banned.

The song was released in 2007. It describes how the Nixon era seemed better than the White House of the time. You would have to contact Sonny Meadows to ask if he believes that still applies. Though, Peace Couple is certain that some of the conditions listed, such as “All this right wing rhetoric / The ramblings of lunatics…”, still permeate our government.

Continue reading Never Thought I’d Miss Richard Nixon: Peace Song for 12/10/2011