Tag Archives: New York City

New eBook by The Wilders… Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened?

Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? ebook coverThe Occupy movement is over two years old! Kimberly and Ian Wilder of Peace Couple are excited about their new eBook: Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? In the eBook, Occupy is explored through original reporting, photographs, cartoons, poetry, essays, and reviews.  OWS:WJH? includes an essay analyzing the “One Demand” concept, and its relationship to peace as a platform item. The collection of essays and blog posts records the unfolding of Occupy into the culture from September 2011 to the present.  Authors Kimberly Wilder and Ian Wilder were early supporters of Occupy, celebrating the occupation with their websites, YouTube videos, Flickr photos, and more. The Wilders are proud to reflect on and celebrate the changes created by the American Autumn.

The eBook is currently available on Amazon for KindleBarnes & Noble Nook;  iTunes iBookstore; and Smashwords independent EBook seller for only 99¢, and anyone can read it using their Kindle/Nook Reader, smart phone, or computer. and now  More platforms to come.
Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBookOccupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? on iTunes iBooks

Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook on Amazon
Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

A list of free eBook readers for computers and mobile devices is at the bottom of this post.

The Introduction to the eBook begins as follows:

Is Occupy Wall Street dead?

The short answer is “No.” Occupy is very much alive. Continue reading New eBook by The Wilders… Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened?

Imagine an Occupy New Years Eve 2012

On New Years Eve in Times Square they will probably play John Lennon’s  Imagine.  It has also resonated with folks from the Occupy Wall Street movement. “Imagine” was one of the tunes sung by the small group of stalwarts who gathered at Liberty Square/Zuccotti Park for Christmas. [See story at DNA Info: here]

Below the first video are links to lots and lot of videos of Occupiers singing Imagine.


If you want to spend New Years Eve with Occupy:


Date/Time: Mon. Dec 31, 2012 until Jan 1 2013, 9:00 PM – 6:00 AM

Location: Liberty Plaza (aka Zuccotti Park), New York, NY

A time to ring in the New Years with family and friends, this event is dedicated to the brave souls who last year took done the barricades in the park and danced in the New Years, come one and all and ring in 2013 in style and meet new friends old friends and map out the coming year.  Starts at 9:00pm to 12midnite and beyond. As always no drama, we are one! We will try to have small toy barricades for everyone to have at midnite and smash as a symbol of our right to protest any public space.

Contact: Apollo OWS Special Projects Affinity Group and OWS Outreach Working Group.

Email: owsspawg@Gmail.com or Phone: 917-225-3704 or Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/events/146642922152523/


Continue reading Imagine an Occupy New Years Eve 2012

Occupy Wall Street goes to museums (and finds inspiration from Philip Glass)

Update: Full text and three videos
at our new Peace Couple post: here.

Live blogging of Philip Glass, etc,
happening at The Nation: here.

The Nation reported the words of Philip Glass last night:

“When righteousness/ Withers away/ And evil / Rules the Land /We come into being /Age after age/ And take visible shape /And move / A man among men/ For the protection/ Of good /Thrusting back evil /And setting virtue/ On her seat again.”

The Nation report on the Philip Glass, pre-event is…

10:25 From a NY #OWS friend at Lincoln Center for Philip Glass at GA tonite (see item down the page): Tons of cops already w/ barricades. Heard voice on cop’s radio say, “Lock it down.”  Rumors earlier that cops would keep public off public plaza.


Occupiers say: “Kick us out of camp? We will find new strategies for nonviolent, social change”. One story at the LA Times  is: here.

In New York, here is one of the new strategies…

Posted at occupywallst.org:

Occupy Museums Goes to the Lincoln Center

When: Thursday December 1, 2011 at 10:30pm.

What: A General Assembly at 10:30 (at night) at Lincoln Center.

Join us in an open conversation about the effects of increased privatization and corporatization of all aspects of society, and the use of nonviolent civil disobedience around the world to reclaim the commons. Composer Philip Glass will join the general assembly and mic-check a statement. Continue reading Occupy Wall Street goes to museums (and finds inspiration from Philip Glass)

Fri 10/22: Pete Seeger, Tao Seeger, Arlo Guthrie, in NYC

Link to youtube video of Pete Seeger marching through the streets, with entourage: here.

Link to video of Pete Seeger singing “We Shall Overcome”
at Columbus Circle, available at Michael Moore’s youtube: here.

Exciting news! Who do you know in New York City who would love to see a little folk music history? Tonight, Friday 10/21/2011 at Columbus Circle around midnight.

Iconic folk singer Pete Seeger and his grandson Tao will become the latest notable musicians to march in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street protesters when they join up with the crowd tonight.

The march departs at 10:30 p.m. by Peter Jay Shape Theatre on Broadway and is expected to wrap up at midnight at Columbus Circle, where folk musicians are planning to stage a midnight occupation.

The march follows a performance featuring Pete Seeger and Tao Seeger, Arlo Guthrie, and Suzanne Vega.