A song to meet your worries: Taxman, by The Beatles, is the Peace Song of the Day for 4/17/2012.
More about this song choice: Continue reading Yeah, I’m the taxman: Peace Song of the Day for Tax Day USA 4/17
A song to meet your worries: Taxman, by The Beatles, is the Peace Song of the Day for 4/17/2012.
More about this song choice: Continue reading Yeah, I’m the taxman: Peace Song of the Day for Tax Day USA 4/17
“Fighting Is Not The Solution“, performed by Brett Dennen (and friends), is the Peace Song of the Day for April 16th. This song can be found on an album of children’s peace songs, put together by The Mosaic Project. Grown-ups will probably also enjoy this song — and some of the other songs on the album, too. You can get Children’s Songs for Peace and a Better World through CD Baby: here.
The song has a great chorus, with simple words of wisdom: “Fighting is not the solution…Try conflict resolution.”
Continue reading Fighting is not the solution: Peace Song for 4/16
“Never Kill Another Man” by The Steve Miller Band is the Peace Song of the Day for April 9th.
[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-aaHYzWuqQ] Continue reading Never kill another man: Peace Song of the Day for 4/9
For this Earth Day, we wanted to share with you some of the movies, music, and books that have inspired us to joyfully engage in our environmental activism.
Mindwalk. This movie is a favorite of Ian’s. It is based on the book Turning Point by physicist Fritjof Capra. Capra is best know for his book, The Tao of Physics which removes the artificial barriers between religious understanding and scientific understanding. The book, The Turning Point, presented the movie maker’s problem of how to turn a book about the complexity of our ecological problems into a narrative. The solution was to set it in a beautiful place, Mont. St. Michael, France. And set in motion a discussion between a physicist (Liv Ullmann) and poet (John Heard), and a former presidential candidate (Sam Waterston) as they walk through Mont. St. Michael. The narrative form also provided a solution to a lesser problem. There was already a very famous ballet movie called Turning Point, so the Capra’s movie was named Mindwalk to avoid confusion and reflect the new form.
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMZ9xwfmNvs] Continue reading Dance, Recite, and Converse for Earth Day!
Happy Easter! And, Happy Spring! “New World Coming” is the Peace Song of the Day for this Easter holiday, April 8th.
Continue reading Happy Easter: An uplifting peace song for the day
“Harmony” (2010) by Christofer Drew, of the band Never Shout Never, is the Peace Song of the Day for 4/7.
Continue reading How will peace find us?……… Peace Song for 4/7
“Go Down Moses [Let My People Go]”, an American Spiritual, is the Peace Song of the Day for April 6th. This song is often sung by Jewish families as part of the Passover Seder. Paul Robeson used this song to merge the story of the ancient Jews, oppressed under Pharao, with the story of African-Americans, struggling for human rights.
The Duchess of Peace would like to dedicate this song to the five Supreme Court Justices, who ruled last week that Americans can be strip searched for crimes such as traffic laws, dog leash laws, and jaywalking: Chief Justice John Roberts, Justice Anthony Kennedy, Justice Samuel Alito, Jr., Justice Antonin Scalia and Justice Clarence Thomas.
Passover tells the story of people struggling against oppression. In the end, the story is about victory and freedom. May Americans win in their struggle against The Strip Search Decision; the NDAA decision about indefinite detention; and our current climate of militarism and fear.
[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=gtLcELU1brA] Continue reading Remembering oppression: Peace Song for 4/6/2012