Category Archives: Royal Song of The Day

Finding peace within: Peace Song of the Day for 4/24/2012

Free Me From Me” by David Jensen is the Peace Song of the Day for April 24th. You can learn more about Long Island singer/songwriter David Jensen at

“Free Me From Me” explores the inner work needed to find peace and healing.

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For children and adults who cherish peace: “Little Drops of Water” is Peace Song for 4/23/2012

(On 4/17/2013, we dedicated “Little Drops of Water” as a song of healing and peace to the Boston Marathon community.)

Little Drops of Water” is the Peace Song of the Day for April 23, 2012. It is a traditional song from England. I first discovered this song in the collection, Singing Bee!, compiled by Jane Hart.

I could not resist making my own verse for this song which clearly states the need for “peace”. Below my video are other versions and resources for the “Little Drops of Water” song.

Lyrics and more about this song…
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Save The Whales: Baby Beluga is the Peace Song for 4/22/2012

August 2012 update: The whale that inspired Raffi’s song has died at age 46. Story at The Examiner: here.

Baby Beluga, by Raffi, is the Peace Song of the Day for April 22nd — Earth Day 2012.

Since The Duke and Duchess of Peace have lived, worked, and played with environmentalists for so long, we know that there are so many layers, and so many issues for people who love the earth.* Though, it is sometimes fun to revel in the perceptions and stereotypes that others hold for you. So, in honor of all the folks like us who eat granola, hug trees, and try to save the whales, we chose this classic song for Earth Day 2012!

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Preparing for Earth Day: Peace Songs for 4/21/2012

Earth Day is Sunday, April 22, 2012

(See a long list of peace songs for Earth Day after the video!)

Lily of the Valley (cc) Dger at Wikimedia

Books for Earth Day at onthewilderside: here.

Duke Augustus’ favorite Earth Day stuff: here.

White Coral Bells” is the Peace Song of the Day for April 21st. It is a short, sweet song about Lily of the Valley flowers, often sung as a round.

A riddle: Is it more important for people who want peace, to realize that peace starts with loving the earth? Or, is it more important for people who love the earth, to realize the only way to save the earth is to end the wars and embrace peace?

Probably a riddle that doesn’t need to be solved. Though, it does go to the heart of this website. In caring for peace and justice, Kimberly and Ian were drawn into green activism. Then, while submersed in green activism, we realized that we really wanted a special place set aside for pacifism and peace. Those feelings were part of the vision that became this Peace Couple project.

Because of the interconnectedness of peace work and environmentalism, many of the Peace Songs of the Day are about earth, nature, and the environment. Each song we list also reflects the value of nonviolence.

Continue reading Preparing for Earth Day: Peace Songs for 4/21/2012

Peace I ask of thee, o river: Peace Song for 4/20/2012

A song to prepare for Earth Day, which is Sunday, April 22, 2012…

Peace of the River is the Peace Song of the Day for April 20th. It is from The Girl Scout Handbook. You can find the chords and lyrics to this song in the Rise Up Singing songbook, on page 46.  If this song got you in the Earth Day mood, then here are some books you might like.

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Shiny Happy People: Peace Song of the Day for 4/19/2012

Shiny Happy People by R.E.M. is the Peace Song of the Day for April 19th.

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When I Go Away: Peace Song of the Day for 4/18/2012

As reported by on the official Levon Helm website
Levon Helm passed away on April 19, 2012:

Levon Helm
May 26, 1940 ~ April 19, 2012

“Levon Helm passed peacefully this afternoon. He was surrounded by family, friends and band mates and will be remembered by all he touched as a brilliant musician and a beautiful soul.”


When I Go Away” by Levon Helm is the Peace Song of the Day for April 18, 2012.
I love this song, because peace is often ruined by fear, and everyone’s greatest fear is death. This song confronts our greatest fear. “When I Go Away” is a powerful song about the continuity of life, and the strength to deal with the fact that we will be gone someday.

The song is appropriate for today, because on 4/17, Levon Helm’s family has shared the fact that Levon Helm is in his final stages of cancer. I heard this song, and the sad news, on radio station WFUV/NYC.

Here is the message from Levon’s family, as posted at the official, Levon Helm website: Continue reading When I Go Away: Peace Song of the Day for 4/18/2012