All posts by susanna

For 9-12-2011: A post 9-11 song…

The Royal Peace Song of the Day for Monday, September 12, 2011 is “How Will I Ever Be Simple Again?” by Richard Thompson. Not sure when this song was written, though, it could definitely be a reflection on America after the tragedy of September 11th.


Continue reading For 9-12-2011: A post 9-11 song…

Peace Song of the Day for 9-11

There are so many layers of feelings to be dealt with concerning the events of 9-11-2001. And, so many lessons to be learned. The Duke and Duchess considered writing some reflective pieces on 9-11, which contradict the usual storyline presented by the media.

Though, we realized that so many people are still genuinely caught up in fear and mourning. So, we decided to be gentle, and chose a song for the day that matched the simple, core truth: 9-11 was a tragedy.

The Royal Peace Song for today, September 11, 2011, is “Everybody Hurts” by REM.

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Ah Poor Bird: Peace Song of the Day for 9/9/2011

“Ah Poor Bird”, a traditional English song, is the Peace Song of the Day, chosen by The Duke and Duchess of Peace. You can find the lyrics to this song in the Rise Up Singing songbook. The Rise Up Singing has words, chords, and sources for over 1,200 songs. It also has a two sections with rounds, including beautiful selections like this one.

During a radio appearance, The Duchess performed this song on the flute, and dedicated it to the men and boys held prisoner, suffering, at Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp.

[youtube=] Continue reading Ah Poor Bird: Peace Song of the Day for 9/9/2011

The Power and the Glory of America: Royal Song of the Day 9/8/2011

America is a great nation. Duchess Susanna is writing this post on 9/7, imagining that with the recent gathering of politicians, the morning news on 9/8 will be filled with rhetoric about the grandeur of this great country.

So, how about a peaceful song, to celebrate what is truly great about America?

“The Power and the Glory” by Phil Ochs is The Royal Song of the Day for Thursday, September 8th. You can find the lyrics in the Rise Up Singing Songbook on page 3.


An excerpt: Continue reading The Power and the Glory of America: Royal Song of the Day 9/8/2011

Moms and kids: Royal Song of the Day 9/6/2011

“May There Always Be Sunshine” is the Royal Song of the Day for Tuesday, September 9th. You can find the lyrics in the Rise Up Singing songbook on page 161. The song is based on the words of a Russian child. Original words by Lev Oshanin, English by Thomas Botting, music by Arkadi Ostrovsky.

All around me, here on Long Island, I see children returning to school. This song is dedicated to all the moms, dads, teachers, and school staff, swirling around with preparations for another year of learning and fun. The song “May There Always Be Sunshine” is a simple request from a child, that there may always be sunshine, mama, and “me”. Many people have interpreted the song as a humble and profound wish for peace.

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