All posts by susanna

Hope For The World: Peace Song of the Day for 9/21/2011

Wait Till The Sun Shines, Nellie” is the Peace Song for the Day, as chosen by Susanna, Duchess of Peace. You can find the words to this golden oldie, Barbershop song at Rise Up Singing on page 82.

What is it that makes this Barbershop Quartet song a sing-a-long, folk song? Probably, the way it expresses the hope of a better day, something that people who love peace and justice need to hold on to during these trying times.


Wait til the sun shines, Nellie
When the clouds go drifting by
We will be happy, Nellie
Don’t you sigh…


The Royal Song of the Day is a project of Duke Augustus and Duchess Susanna, The Duke and Duchess of Peace. The Duke and Duchess recognize that one of the paths to peace is to find soulful and nonviolent entertainment, and to express oneself with art and song.

Some people do what must be done: Peace Song for 9/19/2011

“What Must Be Done” is the Peace Song of the Day for Monday, September 19, 2011. This is a song about recognizing the need to help, and recognizing the need for change. This song could help inspire more people to become like Rosa Parks, Gandhi, or Julia Butterfly Hill. What is your work to do?

Continue reading Some people do what must be done: Peace Song for 9/19/2011

No arguing: Peace Song of the Day 9/17/2011

(This is a catch-up post. It is being written on Sunday morning, to announce Saturday’s song…)

Sometimes, peace starts with reflecting on our own shortcomings, and acknowledging them to ourselves. I have found that this process can be aided with music and art that portrays the part of us we want to improve. It is a way to study ourselves, and, hopefully, to laugh at our shortcomings.

“We Can Work It Out” is/was the Royal Peace Song of the Day for Saturday, September 17, 2011. The song was written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney. You can find the lyrics, and sing this favorite Beatles song with friends, by going to page 105 in the Rise Up Singing songbook.

More about this song and NVC/Nonviolent Communication… Continue reading No arguing: Peace Song of the Day 9/17/2011

Peace Song of the Day 9/15/2011: One Man’s Hands

The Peace Song of the Day, as chosen by Duchess Susanna, is “One Man’s Hands“. The music is by Pete Seeger. The lyrics are by Alex Comfort. You can find all the words at Rise Up Singing on page 241.

[youtube=] Continue reading Peace Song of the Day 9/15/2011: One Man’s Hands

Changing the Ch’i: Royal Peace Song of the Day for 9/14/2011

The Peace Song of the Day, as chosen by Susanna, Duchess of Peace, is “Somewhere, Someone” by Long Island singer/songwriter, Gary Ivan.

Below is a video of Gary Ivan performing this song at PeaceSmiths Coffeehouse in Amityville.


More about why Duchess Susanna chose this song…

Continue reading Changing the Ch’i: Royal Peace Song of the Day for 9/14/2011