All posts by susanna

We Shall Not Be Moved: Peace Song for 10/5/2011

“We Shall Not Be Moved” is the Royal Peace Song of the Day for Wednesday, October 5th. Duchess Susanna would like to dedicate this song to the folks who will be moving and marching in NYC today. You can find the full lyrics, and added verses, and some verses in Spanish, in the Rise Up Singing songbook on page 260.

Below is a video of this song, performed at Day 16 of Occupy Wall Street. Peter Yarrow led the group, on a day that also included inspiration from Democracy Now! journalist Amy Goodman.

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Looking for sunshine: Peace Song of the Day for 10/3/2011

“The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow”, from the play Annie, is the Royal Peace Song of the Day for Monday, October 3rd. This song is full of hope and easy to sing. I remember all of my friends and myself loving this growing up. So, it has a special place in my heart. (As schmaltzy as it is.) – Susanna, Duchess of Peace

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A moment to reflect: Peace Song for 10/2/2011

“May The Light of Love” by David Roth is the Royal Peace Song of the Day for Sunday, October 2nd. I first heard the song on WFUV the other day, and I like its spirit of hope and Thanksgiving. (In fact, it is often used in celebration of the Thanksgiving Holiday. Though, I think it works all year round!) – Duchess Susanna

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New Year’s Day: Peace Song for 9/29/2011

“New Year’s Day”, written by Paul David Hewson, David ‘the Edge’ Evans, Adam Clayton, and Jr. Mullen, is the Peace Song of the Day for Thursday, September 29th. U2 performs this song as a tribute to Solidarity, the successful, nonviolent movement for unions and social change in Poland.

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