All posts by susanna

Wishing for warmth: Peace Song for 10/23/2011

“Wouldn’t It Be Loverly” is the Peace Song of the Day for 10/23/2011. This song is from the movie and musical “My Fair Lady”. That show was based on the play Pygmalian, by George Bernard Shaw, which has some interesting observations on class and privilege.

You can fine the words to “Wouldn’t It Be Loverly” in the Rise Up Singing songbook on page 113.

More about the choice of this song as a peace song… Continue reading Wishing for warmth: Peace Song for 10/23/2011

Fri 10/22: Pete Seeger, Tao Seeger, Arlo Guthrie, in NYC

Link to youtube video of Pete Seeger marching through the streets, with entourage: here.

Link to video of Pete Seeger singing “We Shall Overcome”
at Columbus Circle, available at Michael Moore’s youtube: here.

Exciting news! Who do you know in New York City who would love to see a little folk music history? Tonight, Friday 10/21/2011 at Columbus Circle around midnight.

Iconic folk singer Pete Seeger and his grandson Tao will become the latest notable musicians to march in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street protesters when they join up with the crowd tonight.

The march departs at 10:30 p.m. by Peter Jay Shape Theatre on Broadway and is expected to wrap up at midnight at Columbus Circle, where folk musicians are planning to stage a midnight occupation.

The march follows a performance featuring Pete Seeger and Tao Seeger, Arlo Guthrie, and Suzanne Vega.

Peace Songs and Chants for 10/21/2011: We Are The 99%

“We Are The 99%…Who Are We?” is a chant, with some melody to it, that Duchess Susanna has chosen for the Peace Song of the Day. This chant was overheard on the Global Live Stream (reflecting live streaming from Denmark.)

Below is a video which includes clips from Denmark, and a clear version of the chant. Underneath that video are two other 99% songs from the Occupy movement.

Video: Occupy Wall Street: Three Chants for the 99%

Continue reading Peace Songs and Chants for 10/21/2011: We Are The 99%

Some Calypso, Anyone?: Peace Song of the Day for 10/20/2011

“Walk in Peace”, by Sir Lancelot Pinard, is the Peace Song of the Day for Thursday, October 20th. I uncovered this song in the book “Songs That Changed The World”.

In researching this song, I learned about the interesting history of Lancelot Victor Edward Pinard (1902-2001) and his career. First of all, he earned his title in a similar manner to Duke Augustus and Duchess Susanna — it suited him. Pinard was an inspiration to Harry Belafonte, and was appreciated by 1948 Progressive Party Presidential candidate, Henry A. Wallace.

-Susanna, Duchess of Peace

I was not able to find a video for this song, but there is a path to an MP3 at the readmore… Continue reading Some Calypso, Anyone?: Peace Song of the Day for 10/20/2011

I Think As I Please: Peace Song for 10/19/2011

“Die Gedanken Sind Frei”, “I Think As I Please”, is the Peace Song for Wednesday, October 19, 2011. Duchess Susanna would like to dedicate this song about freedom of expression to author Naomi Wolf, and everyone else who has been arrested for their activism during the occupations.

You can find English words to “Die Gedanken Sind Frei” by Arthur Kevess at Rise Up Singing (available for purchase: here). I stumbled upon the song in a library book, “Songs That Changed The World” by Wanda Willson Whitman. The words at the bottom of this post are based on a Pete Seeger version of the song.

Continue reading I Think As I Please: Peace Song for 10/19/2011

Video: Explaining Occupy Wall Street to children

For a children’s BOOK idea, see below, or click to our recommendation: here.

The video below is a wonderful way to explain Occupy Wall Street, and all of the occupations around the country, to children. A parent asked some of the occupiers to describe Occupy Wall Street to their six-year-old daughter.

More about the video: Continue reading Video: Explaining Occupy Wall Street to children