Tag Archives: Times Square

Imagine all the people singing about peace: Peace Song for 12/30/2011

Imagine There's No Hunger    -  Strawberry Fie...

What song will thousands of people around the world hear tomorrow, as they watch the ball drop in Times Square, NYC? Probably, John Lennon’s “Imagine”.

Imagine by John Lennon is the Peace Song of the day for 12/30/2011. And, also, for that moment when hundreds of thousands of people around the world sing it together while envisioning a peaceful, New Year.

The song “Imagine” has also resonated with folks from the Occupy Wall Street movement. “Imagine” was one of the tunes sung by the small group of stalwarts who gathered at Liberty Square/Zuccotti Park for Christmas. [See story at DNA Info: here]

Below the first video are links to lots and lot of videos of occupiers singing Imagine.

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