Tag Archives: songs about peace

Donna Summer sang “Let There Be Peace”: Peace Song of the Day for 5/17/2012

Donna Summer passed away today. We found a song she sang about peace, and are making it the Peace Song of the Day.

Let There Be Peace
Dedicated to the memory of
Donna Summer, born LaDonna Adrian Gaines
Born: Dec 31, 1948
Died: May 17, 2012

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For children and adults who cherish peace: “Little Drops of Water” is Peace Song for 4/23/2012

(On 4/17/2013, we dedicated “Little Drops of Water” as a song of healing and peace to the Boston Marathon community.)

Little Drops of Water” is the Peace Song of the Day for April 23, 2012. It is a traditional song from England. I first discovered this song in the collection, Singing Bee!, compiled by Jane Hart.

I could not resist making my own verse for this song which clearly states the need for “peace”. Below my video are other versions and resources for the “Little Drops of Water” song.

Lyrics and more about this song…
Continue reading For children and adults who cherish peace: “Little Drops of Water” is Peace Song for 4/23/2012

Peace Song of the Day for 1/2/2012 and thoughts on catching up

We Are One In The Spirit by Peter Scholte, is/was the Peace Song of the Day for January 2, 2012.

This is a more specifically religious song than we usually put on the Peace Song list. Though, it has themes of peace, unity, and working together which resonate with the life of a peace activist. So, take what you like, and leave the rest, as they say. (For more thoughts about songs and religion, and for a secular version of “We Are One In the Spirit”, see the Peace Couple post: here.)


The Duke and Duchess of Peace (aka Ian and Kimberly of Wilderside, Ltd) announce a Peace Song for every day of the year. The Duke and Duchess believe that one of the ways to peace is through joyful, nonviolent entertainment. We encourage you to express yourself with singing, playing, and/or composing music about peace!