Tag Archives: Rise Up Singing

Yesterday: Peace Song of the Day 9/3/2011

Susanna, Duchess of Peace writes: I designed The Royal Peace Song of the Day project partly to give myself some self discipline in posting regularly to this website. It has worked in some measure. Though, I guess I have not perfected the task, since this is not the first time I am publishing a song of the day for yesterday, today.

In honor of the poignant striving inside my failure, the Peace Song of the Day for yesterday, September 3rd, is “Yesterday” by John Lennon and Paul McCartney. You can find the lyrics to this song in the “Hard Times and Blues” section of the Rise Up Singing songbook, on page 106. I can guess that someone, somewhere in the world, actually sang that song yesterday!

More about this song of the day, and where to find more like it… Continue reading Yesterday: Peace Song of the Day 9/3/2011

Peace Song of the Day: 8/25/2011 – Spiritual preparation for Hurricane Irene

The Royal Peace Song of the Day for Thursday, August 25th is “Magic Penny” by Malvina Reynolds. You can find the lyrics to this song in the Rise Up Singing songbook on page 240.


More about why we chose this song for today: Continue reading Peace Song of the Day: 8/25/2011 – Spiritual preparation for Hurricane Irene

Peace Song of the Day (revised): Wed. 8/24/2011

“Turning of the World” by Ruth Pelham is the Peace Song of the Day for Wednesday, August 24th. Duchess Susanna chooses a Royal Peace Song for every day of the year. You can find the lyrics to “Turning of the World”, and many more songs for peace, in the Rise Up Singing songbook on page 242.

As some of you may have noticed, this is the second announcement of a song of the day for today. The Duchess erred, and posted a duplicate choice previously.

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIzhfeTXTAU] Continue reading Peace Song of the Day (revised): Wed. 8/24/2011

(was) Royal Peace Song of the Day: Wednesday 8/24/2011

Eek! The Duchess truly was shaken up by the earthquake. The first song she picked was already chosen as The Peace Song of the Day by The Duke in July. Hope you enjoy the Duchess’s video choice and comments on “Let’s Get Together”, but…

The new, revised, actual Royal Song of the Day for Wednesday, August 24th, is: “Turning of the World” by Ruth Pelham. Video and post: here.

“Let’s Get Together” by Chet Powers, popularized by The Youngbloods, is The Royal Song of the Day for Wednesday, August 24th. “Let Get Together” was one of the songs performed at the wedding of The Duke and Duchess of Peace (many years ago, before they received their royal titles).

The Duchess of Peace chose this song as a point of reflection after the earthquake, which struck in Virginia yesterday, and shook Duchess Susanna’s world a bit, here on Long Island.

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4fWN6VvgKQ] Continue reading (was) Royal Peace Song of the Day: Wednesday 8/24/2011

Neighborly Love: Peace Song of the Day for 8/20/2011

“When I Needed A Neighbor” by Sydney Carter is the Royal Peace Song of the Day for August 20, 2011. You can find the lyrics on page 243 of Rise Up Singing.

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PW-_3Cw_h4w]  Continue reading Neighborly Love: Peace Song of the Day for 8/20/2011

A dream of paradise: Peace Song for 8/16/2011

“Andorra” aka “I Want To Go To Andorra” is the Royal Peace Song of the Day for Tuesday, August 16th. The song was written by Malvina Reynolds. Pete Seeger has recorded the song, and added verses. You can find the lyrics in the Rise Up Singing songbook on page 158. And, you can buy a copy of Rise Up Singing at Powell’s book store: here.

Here is a youtube performance of “Andorra” by Raymond Crooke:

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T48UTjHFsm8] Continue reading A dream of paradise: Peace Song for 8/16/2011

Only march for peace!: Peace Song of the Day for Monday 8/15/2011

“I Ain’t Marchin’ Anymore” by Phil Ochs is The Royal Peace Song of the Day for Monday, August 15th. You can find the lyrics in the Rise Up Singing songbook on page 159 in the Peace section. You can purchase a copy of Rise Up Singing, filled with lots of songs about peace and justice, at Powell’s Books: here.


An excerpt from the lyrics… Continue reading Only march for peace!: Peace Song of the Day for Monday 8/15/2011