Tag Archives: Phil Ochs

Peace Song for 7/8/2012: Phil Ochs tribute to Woody Guthrie

Bound for Glory” a song by Phil Ochs, which tells the story of Woody Guthrie, is the Peace Song of the Day for July 8th. The Duchess heard this song played today on “Woody’s Children” radio show, on 90.7FM WFUV radio from New York City. The song was played in honor of Woody Guthrie‘s 100th birthday, which will be on July 14th, 2012.

This song is the finale for the Peace Song of the Day project. Yes! We started the project back on July 9, 2011. (Unfortunately, there is not a song posted for everyday. But, we did our best, and may figure out how to fill in throughout this next year.)

Tomorrow will be an “encore” post to the project. The Duchess will reflect on her year of song-searching and share lessons learned. And, also, tomorrow, we will announce our new, upcoming, daily project.

For now, hope you enjoy the video. And, maybe you will learn the song for Woody’s birthday?

Continue reading Peace Song for 7/8/2012: Phil Ochs tribute to Woody Guthrie

What Are You Fighting For?: Peace Song for 11/7/2011

What Are You Fighting For?” by Phil Ochs is the Peace Song of the Day for Monday, November 7th.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011 – is Election Day in the USA. Please remember to vote (even if it is a write-in message to your local, political machines).

Continue reading What Are You Fighting For?: Peace Song for 11/7/2011

Peace Song for 11/1/2011 (That was yesterday!)

There But For Fortune” by Phil Ochs is the Peace Song of the Day for November 1, 2011. Yes…I am posting this the next day, because I was recalcitrant and did not post yesterday! You can find this song on page 186 of the Rise Up Singing songbook.

This song is dedicated to the community at Liberty Square, who are dealing with an influx of homeless people and other people from the community who need support. This will be a trying time for Occupy Wall Street. Hope they will handle it with compassion and grace.

Continue reading Peace Song for 11/1/2011 (That was yesterday!)

The Power and the Glory of America: Royal Song of the Day 9/8/2011

America is a great nation. Duchess Susanna is writing this post on 9/7, imagining that with the recent gathering of politicians, the morning news on 9/8 will be filled with rhetoric about the grandeur of this great country.

So, how about a peaceful song, to celebrate what is truly great about America?

“The Power and the Glory” by Phil Ochs is The Royal Song of the Day for Thursday, September 8th. You can find the lyrics in the Rise Up Singing Songbook on page 3.


An excerpt: Continue reading The Power and the Glory of America: Royal Song of the Day 9/8/2011

Only march for peace!: Peace Song of the Day for Monday 8/15/2011

“I Ain’t Marchin’ Anymore” by Phil Ochs is The Royal Peace Song of the Day for Monday, August 15th. You can find the lyrics in the Rise Up Singing songbook on page 159 in the Peace section. You can purchase a copy of Rise Up Singing, filled with lots of songs about peace and justice, at Powell’s Books: here.


An excerpt from the lyrics… Continue reading Only march for peace!: Peace Song of the Day for Monday 8/15/2011