Tag Archives: peace

Deep Blue Sea: Peace Song for 10/28/2011

Deep Blue Sea” is the Peace Song of the Day for Friday, October 28th.

The music for “Deep Blue Sea” is traditional. I first learned this song from a Sweet Honey In The Rock tape I used to listen to over and over again. Though, you can also find a really cool version of the song, that emphasizes peace, in my favorite, campfire songbook, Rise Up Singing. Those lyrics, with explicit antiwar sentiments, are by John Bell. The video below is with The Weavers.

Continue reading Deep Blue Sea: Peace Song for 10/28/2011

#AfghanistanTuesday ITRW 24/7

Image via Wikipedia

While I was researching Jane Addams last week, I was fascinated by her attendance at a series of international peace conferences a century ago.  I wondered  if reviving the concept of international peace conferences was the missing piece in opposing all the US oil wars.  It seemed to me that we needed to make the peace movement more solid, the way the #OccupyWallStreet had done for the warping of our political system by a wealthy few.

Scarry Thoughts seemed to be thinking along the same track in proposing a  Virtual Antiwar University to provide continual education about peace.  He writes:  Continue reading #AfghanistanTuesday ITRW 24/7

Some Calypso, Anyone?: Peace Song of the Day for 10/20/2011

“Walk in Peace”, by Sir Lancelot Pinard, is the Peace Song of the Day for Thursday, October 20th. I uncovered this song in the book “Songs That Changed The World”.

In researching this song, I learned about the interesting history of Lancelot Victor Edward Pinard (1902-2001) and his career. First of all, he earned his title in a similar manner to Duke Augustus and Duchess Susanna — it suited him. Pinard was an inspiration to Harry Belafonte, and was appreciated by 1948 Progressive Party Presidential candidate, Henry A. Wallace.

-Susanna, Duchess of Peace

I was not able to find a video for this song, but there is a path to an MP3 at the readmore… Continue reading Some Calypso, Anyone?: Peace Song of the Day for 10/20/2011

To Every Human Being So They Would Understand: Peace Song for 10/17//2011

“O Had I A Golden Thread” by Pete Seeger is the Peace Song of the Day for 10/17/2011. You can find the words to this song on page 31 of the Rise Up Singing group songbook.

We are sharing two videos for this song. The video below is a young man playing the song on baritone uke. The second video, at the bottom of the post, is the song performed as a duet by Joan Baez and Judy Collins.

Continue reading To Every Human Being So They Would Understand: Peace Song for 10/17//2011