Tag Archives: peace

Happy 4th of July: PAXi Peace Index is 850

Peace, justice, and nonviolence are being discussed this 4th of July holiday.

The PAXi Peace Index for today, July 4, 2015 is:

You can learn more about the PAXi Peace Index in our original post: Peace Index Intro

Two stories in the news about ways to further the peace are: 1. A story on Public Radio International about how American police can learn from English police who use weapons less (umm….okay, a little ironic for Independence Day!) and 2. A story about schools sharing lessons about peace and justice from the Ferguson community.

Excerpts and links to those stories at the readmore: Continue reading Happy 4th of July: PAXi Peace Index is 850

Peace Updates: Where is the index? And, what are the peace couple up to?

Kimberly and Ian Wilder are currently working on their second eBook. It should be out within the next couple of weeks. This new book is high on activism, with lots of great photos.

As for the PAXi/Peace Index…

Kimberly has been lax in publishing the daily PAXi/Peace Index numbers. Though, most days, the raw data has been gathered.

We thought it would be interesting to see a year-to-year comparison with recent numbers.

Last year’s PAXi numbers:

Sunday, October 7, 2012: 179
Monday, October 8, 2012: 179 (Columbus Day)
Tuesday, October 9, 2012: 198

These figures from last year happened as the all-time high for PAXi had stood at 337.

This year’s PAXi numbers: Continue reading Peace Updates: Where is the index? And, what are the peace couple up to?

Who is asking Obama for peace?: Please advise

The State of The Union is tonight. [was Tuesday, Feb 12, 2013]

I have seen messages in my e-mail from various groups with important lobbying messages for President Obama. Though, I don’t recall seeing anyone specifically lobbying for peace.

I will have my eyes open, and blog here with any messages or demonstrations about peace.

Please, please, comment and/or send links to groups working on a peace/anti-war message for this evening.

It will be interesting to look at the way the The Daily Peace Culture Index for the United States (aks: PAXi Peace Index) moves in the lead-up and follow-up to the State of the Union. Continue reading Who is asking Obama for peace?: Please advise

Peace News: Key indicator for PAXi peace index makes huge jump on 10/13/2012

Surprise! There should be a big jump in the Daily Peace Index today!

(Update: The PAXi Peace Index number for today, Oct. 13, 2012 is, in fact, “754”. A new high, and a giant leap from yesterday!)

One of the key indicators is a search for “peace” at Google News.

Today, the Google News number is over 60 million! Compare that to the past few days: 10/10 was 4,020,000; 10/11 was 3,790,000; 10/12 was 4,040,000. Also, the highest day yet for the PAXi/Daily Peace Index was on September 11, 2012. On that day, the Google New/peace figure was 20,100,000 and PAXi came out to 337. When we do the figures later today, we will probably have that beat! (Come back to the front page this evening to check on today’s PAXi number!)

In searching for causes of the jump, I reviewed what the top Google News stories about peace were this morning. I think the main story pushing this jump is the Nobel Peace Prize being given to the EU/European Union. Though, I was also happy to see a third party candidate shaking up the peace discourse: On the first page of the Google News results, Roseanne Barr for President on the “Peace and Freedom Party” line shows up!

Google News Peace: A PAXi Daily Peace Index indicator
Above: A Google News search for “peace” on the morning of October 13, 2012

Peace Index: Daily stats for the peace movement

Peace Index. Daily stats for words such as “peace”, “nonviolence”, and “anti-war”. How much are Americans talking about peace today?

See ongoing chart of daily peace index numbers under **asterisks** at the bottom of this post.

“When will the wars end?” I wonder that each day, and, I reflect on secondary questions, such as: “Is anyone succeeding with peace work lately?” and “Is the peace movement thriving?”.

I had always wished there was a way to check up on these concerns, a way to check the pulse of peace. I wanted to find statistics on peace, just like people can find statistics on the stock market, the price of gold, or, even, the casualties of war. I did a little research, and I could not find a number or index that answered my questions. There are some very good peace indexes. Though, the ones I found are only calculated yearly, or they only changed when big events happen.

So, it is still impossible to predict exactly when the wars will end. Though, we have devised a system to give some answers about the status of peace and antiwar sentiment in the United States. The system is The Daily Peace Culture Index for the United States [DPCIUS], which has the nickname PAXi. The PAXi number will be posted prominently at Peace Couple every day. [Well, we try!] We hope you will seek it out when you do your daily searches for news, information, and updates on the state of the world. Continue reading Peace Index: Daily stats for the peace movement

MLK: Declaration of Independence from the War

The Power of Nonviolence: Writings by Advocates of PeaceThe sixteenth chapter of The Power of Nonviolence: Writings by Advocates of Peace contains Dr. Martin Luther King’s 1967 speech  Declaration of Independence from the War in Vietnam. The speech, which is also known as Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence ,was given in the Manhattan’s Riverside Church exactly one year before King was assassinated.   It is sad to realize that Dr. King’s 45 year old attempt to seek freedom from war applies equally to the Vietnam War as it does to the wars that the United States is now waging in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen.

Through the lens of history, it is hard to understand how controversial the speech was in 1967.  It is common wisdom today that the Vietnam War was a mistake, despite the US government’s recently started 10-year plan to rehabilitate American’s view of that war.  In 1967, all the major media backed the Vietnam War.  Dr. King was regularly attacked in national newspapers such as the New York Times for speaking out against the Vietnam War.  Peace activists are still attacked in today’s media for opposing today’s wars for the same reasons that Dr. King cites.

Dr. King responds to his critics who say that he should only speak about the domestic issue of civil rights, and keep silent on the VietNam War.  The critics make the lesser evil argument that Dr. King is hurting the cause of civil rights by speaking out against the war.  Dr. Kings explains in the introduction of his speech that those critics misunderstand both who he is , and misunderstand”the world in which they live.”  Dr. King gives seven reasons why he must speak out:  Continue reading MLK: Declaration of Independence from the War

Memorial Day Weekend: Thoughts for peace

Two thoughts:

One way to change the ch’i energy is with music. So, two videos below. One with the peaceful, joyful energy of friends drumming, and the other with the peaceful, soulful energy of meditation music.

The second video also reminds us of this Memorial Day idea: If we honor those who gave their lives for war, when do we honor those who gave their lives (and time, and energy, and heart and soul) for peace?

Hope you will be attending some Memorial Day events in you neighborhood, and bringing a message of peace and no more war. On Long Island, you can attend the Memorial Day Parade in Bellport*, and be present with the South Country Peace Group.

Continue reading Memorial Day Weekend: Thoughts for peace