“One Guitar” by singer/songwriter Willie Nile is the Peace Song of the Day for April 30th. Tomorrow, a thousand guitars, marching in the Occupy Guitarmy, will perform song as part of their set list. (There is still time to join. Info, schedule, and set lists at the Occupy Guitarmy website: here.)
“If You Want To Sing Out” by Yusuf Islam (formerly Cat Stevens) is the Peace Song of the Day for April 29, 2012. A video of this song was posted at OccupyWallSt.org in relation to the upcoming Occupy May Day/General Strike activities. So, we wonder if folks may be singing this one in the streets on Tuesday.
“This Old Hammer“, an African-American work song, is the Peace Song of the Day for April 25th. (See video and lyrics below.)
The song says, “This old hammer, killed John Henry…but it won’t kill me.” Which resonates with the big event coming up…
May Day, May 1, 2012, is a General Strike, called for by many groups, including Occupy Wall Street. To find a detailed post, and links to actions in over 115 cities, go to this post at occupywallst.org.
If you can be in New York City on May 1st, check out the schedule for NYC actions and performances at www.maydaynyc.org
Why strike? The answer given at the occupywallst website, is similar to the words of this hammer song. On the article “Why And How To Strike On May Day“, it says, “You are not a slave, and have the right not to work.” The song “This Old Hammer” is about African American workers, after slavery was outlawed, who were still treated like slaves in many ways.
I love the tension near the end of this song. The worker asks his coworker to take the hammer to the boss or Captain. Though, we discover he is not asking for retaliation, he only asks to tell the boss that he has gone. If only the 99% could tell the 1%: “No, I won’t work for your unjust system.”
Well, some folks are saying Don’t Buy Gas on April 15th, so we can send the oil companies a message, and lower the price of gas.
And, some of us believe it can work. (See a fun video from April 2012 below).
Some folks are having doubts. Though, I say whenever you can use your own spending power to send a message — however personal or small — you should try. Put your money where your mouth is!
“Sunshine” by Jonathan Edwards (circa 1971) is the Peace Song of the Day for March 12th. During the Vietnam War, it was sung very sad. Now, Jonathan Edwards sings it more upbeat and sweet. And, the ending has always held a burst of hope…”This old world, she’s gonna turn around / Brand new bells’ll be ringing.”
Sample lyrics and more about the song after the video…