Tag Archives: Main Street

Meadows classics and newbooks from Shuman & Lovins

Just got an email from our friends at Chelsea Green Publishing – the leading publisher of sustainable living books since 1985.  Normally, a sale email moves quickly to my trash folder.  I scrolled quickly down through the email.  I was interested to see what they included in their 35% off for the month of January on the Bestsellers of 2011 on Sale.

Local Dollars, Local SenseBefore I reached the list of sale items.  I saw an announcement for an upcoming March 2012 book:  Local Dollars, Local Sense: How to Shift Your Money from Wall Street to Main Street and Achieve Real Prosperity by Michael H. Shuman, We had met Shuman a decade ago at a Sustainable Economics conference at Ramapo College that had been organized by Ramapo Professor Trent Schroyer.  Shuman was one of the featured speakers.  We were impressed by his common sense approach to creating prosperity by keeping money in your local economy.  At the time, we immediately bought his first book Going Local: Creating Self-Reliant Communities in a Global AgeContinue reading Meadows classics and newbooks from Shuman & Lovins

Oct 20th: Occupy Wall Street with your bank account [PLUS Bank Transfer Day on Nov 5th]

Compassionate Finance: Bring Your Money Back To Your Community
Emancipate Yourselves at Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street, and the occupy movement, are an attempt to solve the problem of disparity of wealth and political influence between the 99% of people, and the 1%. A lot of the focus is on making corporations accountable, and on keeping mega-banks in their place.

This week, there is a way for you to directly put a crimp in the power of the mega-banks. You can join with the 99% to make a shift from big banks, to smaller, locally-based credit unions. You can celebrate “International Credit Union Day“, an annual event sponsored by the Credit Union National Association [CUNA].

On October 20, 2011, consider closing (or starting the process of closing) any bank accounts you have with big banks, and moving your money to a credit union (or small, local bank.) That is all you have to do to make a big difference, and send a huge message to the mega-banks and to our government.

As CUNA notes:

Credit unions are unique because they

are not-for-profit, democratically controlled,

member-owned cooperatives. Continue reading Oct 20th: Occupy Wall Street with your bank account [PLUS Bank Transfer Day on Nov 5th]