Tag Archives: love and peace

War is not the answer: Peace Song for 1/15/2012

Marvin Gaye says, “You see, war is not the answer…For only love can conquer hate”

“What’s Going On” by Marvin Gaye is/was the Peace Song of the Day for January15th.


[This Peace Song of the Day was actually first announced/posted on 1/29/2012 as part of a marathon catch-up session.]

Focus on love and on the future: Peace Song of the Day for 12/28

Whitney Houston passed away on February 11, 2012. This Peace Song of the Day entry was re-posted at the top of our page on February 12, 2012, with love and condolences to Whitney Houston’s family, friends, and fans.

The Greatest Love Of All, a song by Linda Creed and Michael Masser, and popularized by Whitney Houston, is the Peace Song of the Day for December 28th. This song is very appropriate as people look forward to the New Year. The words begin, “I believe that children are the future…”

Continue reading Focus on love and on the future: Peace Song of the Day for 12/28

What’s so funny about wanting peace?: Peace Song for 11/29/2011

(What’s So Funny ‘Bout) Peace, Love, and Understanding is the Peace Song of the Day for November 29th. The song was written by Nick Lowe, and made popular by Elvis Costello.

Continue reading What’s so funny about wanting peace?: Peace Song for 11/29/2011