Tag Archives: Jerry Garcia

Occupy the White House in 2012

white house occupiedI’m not just talking about putting the #occupy bat-signal across the White House.  Though that would be entertaining. And like I said last week about #OccupyCongress, I am not talking about pitching a tent on the South Lawn.  (And I am definitely not talking about @Moveon ‘s phony #OccupyCongress campaign where they are shilling for one corporate party over the other.)

In last week’s Occupy Congress post,  we discussed that this year has been about stepping out side of your comfort zone.  It is time for all of us to take back our democracy, and demand what we want rather than take what we are sold.  I plead for you to run for Congress last week, so that we finally had a representative of the 99% in Congress.  The 1% is represented by the party of the greater evil and the lesser evil.  To paraphrase Jerry Garcia, now is the time to stop choosing evil. We need to get  corporations out of the White House — out of our domestic and foreign policies. Continue reading Occupy the White House in 2012