Tag Archives: freedom

EFF: Congress Shamefully Passes CISPA; Stop US Senate

from the Electronic Freedom Foundation

U.S. House of Representatives Shamefully Passes CISPA;

Internet Freedom Advocates Prepare for a Battle in the Senate

CISPA - The solution is the problem
CISPA – The solution is the problem (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)

Today, Internet freedom advocates everywhere turned their eyes to the U.S. House of Representatives as that legislative body considered the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act.

For the second year in a row,  the House voted to approve CISPA, a bill that would allow companies to bypass all existing privacy law to spy on communications and pass sensitive user data to the government.  EFF condemns the vote in the House and vows to continue the fight in the Senate.

“CISPA is a poorly drafted bill that would provide a gaping exception to bedrock privacy law,” EFF Senior Staff Attorney Kurt Opsahl said. “While we all agree that our nation needs to address pressing Internet security issues, this bill sacrifices online privacy while failing to take common-sense steps to improve security.”

The legislation passed 288-127, despite a veto threat from Pres. Barack Obama, who expressed serious concerns about the danger CISPA poses to civil liberties.  Continue reading EFF: Congress Shamefully Passes CISPA; Stop US Senate

Independent books for July 4th

Books for Independence Day

There’s never been a better time to speak out against injustices, stand up together for our rights and take action to preserve sovereignty, community and democracy.

Occupy World Street

A Global Roadmap for Radical Economic and Political Reform

Occupy World Street: A Global Roadmap for Radical Economic and Political Reform

As demonstrators worldwide demand change, Occupy World Street offers a sweeping vision of how to reform our global economic and political structures, break away from empire, and build a world of self-determining sovereign states that respect the need for ecological sustainability and uphold human rights.

In this refreshingly detailed plan, Ross Jackson shows how a handful of small nations could take on a leadership role; create new alliances, new governance, and new global institutions; and, in cooperation with grassroots activists, pave the way for other nations to follow suit.
“Ross Jackson presents us with an extraordinary global plan to tackle the multiple crises of our times—awesome in conception, sensitive in detail, and realistic enough to succeed.”—Richard Register, author of Ecocities—Rebuilding Cities in Balance with Nature.

2052: A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years

2052: A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years

Commemorating the fortieth Anniversary of The Limits to Growth, 2052 asks, what will happen to humanity over the next forty years?

We know that much needs to change to make our future more sustainable. But will we rise to the occasion? How much change is likely to occur? And how do we prepare to live good lives in the world that is likely to emerge?
These are the questions that propelled Jorgen Randers, a renowned analyst of global trends, to ask dozens of leading experts around the globe to weigh in with their best predictions on how our economies, energy supplies, natural resources, climate, food, fisheries, militaries, political divisions, cities, psyches, and more will take shape in the coming decades.

Freedom is a notion sweeping the nation: Peace Song for 10/26/2011

Freedom“, from the Broadway musical, “Shenandoah“, is the Peace Song of the Day for October 26th.

The Duke and Duchess of Peace would like to dedicate this song to the brave folks at Occupy Oakland. Last night, various police entities attacked the freedom of Oakland – and all of us – by using weapons against Americans exercising their right to Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Assembly. See the bottom of this post for info about how to support and/or donate to Occupy Oakland.

More info, and links for Occupy Oakland… Continue reading Freedom is a notion sweeping the nation: Peace Song for 10/26/2011

Royal Song of the Day: Wed 7/20/2011


“Free To Be You and Me”is the Royal Song of the Day. This song is from the 1970’s classic children’s recording by Marlo Thomas & Friends. You can find this song on page 109 of our favorite songbook Rise Up Singing.

Being hot makes me want to sing out. I chose this song for the heat wave because it is joyful and lyrical. Makes you feel cool all over.

The song celebrates the spirit of diversity in a carefree and uplifting way. (And, the video has carousel horses! Lots of fun!).

Royally Yours,
Susanna, Duchess of Peace