Tag Archives: compassionate shopping

Why we love vintage jewelry…for us, for gifts, for the earth

Eleven Reasons To Love
Antique and Vintage Jewelry

For those of us who already love vintage jewelry, we don’t need any more reasons to hunt it down, wear it, and gift it. Though, if you haven’t included vintage in your wardrobe, yet, or you are still mulling over holiday gift ideas, we wanted to give a shout out for how vintage jewelry can add sparkle to your life and help save the world!

Vintage Jewelry: A thing of beauty
Vintage Jewelry

1. “A thing of beauty is a joy forever.” – Keats. You will always look beautiful wearing a graceful cameo, or something elegant with pearls.

1b. Something unique and funky will stand out in any era. (Didn’t want to forget those of us who like Retro, Kitsch, and/or the Austin Powers influence.)

2. “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” makes the world a better place. Vintage fashion is inspired reuse. And, crafts that make old jewelry into new are an artsy way to recycle (upcycle).

3. An Antique or Vintage piece is often unique or one-of-a-kind. Sometime, you may have the only piece like it left in existence. Though, at least you can be fairly certain that no one else at the party will have the same thing!

4. Put your money where you heart is. Buying vintage items take money away from big corporations and mass market spending, and diverts resources to more local businesses and artful marketplaces.

4b. Vintage and Antique jewelry supports ethical buying. There are no worries about new impacts regarding unfair trade or cruelly mined gemstones. Continue reading Why we love vintage jewelry…for us, for gifts, for the earth

Passover and Easter: 10 Ways To Foster Peace For The Holidays

The Spring Holidays are a perfect time for sharing and celebrating, as well as for learning and inspiring positive change.

Kimberly and Ian Wilder, the team behind Peace Couple, share interesting holidays. One of us is from a Jewish tradition, and the other is from a Christian tradition. Both of us resonate with Buddhism, and ancient, earth-based celebrations of the seasons.

Both Easter and Passover are Spring Holidays that celebrate renewal. Passover also celebrates Freedom.

We made a list in order to share some ideas and links for inserting peace and nonviolence into the Spring holidays.

10 Ways to foster peace for Easter and Passover

1. Put a tomato on your Seder plate. Continue reading Passover and Easter: 10 Ways To Foster Peace For The Holidays

Book shopping for a compassionate Valentines Day!

For the latest in Valentine’s Day gifts, try a vintage piece of jewelry from our family company Wilderside Ltd.’s newest enterprise.  Book listings are below.  Click “more”

[etsy-include=WildersideJewelry;14593092] Continue reading Book shopping for a compassionate Valentines Day!

Kind Shopping Tips and Links


Please help us celebrate kind/compassionate shopping, and get a way to carry around action ideas, by purchasing our new, stylish “Shop With Compassion Tote”: here. It includes a graphic of the Kind Shopping Action Star Mandala above!

About The Star Graphics Above: Continue reading Kind Shopping Tips and Links