Tag Archives: Chicago

5/20: The Peace Song of the Day is “Peace Is Possible”

Peace Is Possible” is the Peace Song of the Day for May 20, 2012. This song was created by Fre Atlast and Victoria Christgau.

The Duke and Duchess would like to dedicate this song to NATO, the NATO demonstrators, and the people of Chicago on this dramatic day of discussions about war and peace. The big march for today, Sunday May 20th, started at 2pm from Grant Park/Chicago. Info and details at Occupy Chicago: here.

More about the video and the NATO summit in Chicago at the readmore… Continue reading 5/20: The Peace Song of the Day is “Peace Is Possible”

How do people who cherish peace respond to the NATO summit in Chicago?

A collection of links and articles related to work being done by activists in Chicago, to nurture peace and nonviolence, as NATO meets in Chicago, on May 20th and 21st.

The big march will be:
5/20/2012 Sunday starting at 2pm from Grant Park/Chicago
(with cultural and lead-up activities starting at 11am)

at OccupyWallSt.org
#ChicagoSpring: Occupy NATO May 12-21 Full Schedule

commentary at In These Times
As Chicago Prepares For NATO, Four Ways That Demonstrators Can Win
(including very specific comments and strategies for the peace movement) Continue reading How do people who cherish peace respond to the NATO summit in Chicago?

#AfghanistanTuesday Protests. Discuss.

A typical digital 12-hour alarm clock indicati...
Image via Wikipedia

Ok tweeps, between the planet-wide protests of the 10th anniversary of the Afghanistan War, and the flowering of the planet-wide Occupy movement, there is much to discuss.   Scarry Thoughts in his post  #AfghanistanTuesday World Report – October 11, 2011 gives a suggested schedule for this twitter discussion.

The schedule is geared to the peak hours we have been experiencing to date for #AfghanistanTuesday conversation, approx 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Eastern U.S. time.  Continue reading #AfghanistanTuesday Protests. Discuss.

Occupy #AfghanistanTuesday

October 6, 2011 are the protests on the 10th anniversary of the Afghanistan War.  In the blog post The hour is approaching: Make a commitment!, we are asked to focus this week’s tweets on organizing for that day:

Tuesday October 4#AfghanistanTuesday! We have wide-ranging conversations every week on #AfghanistanTuesday, but I #AfghanistanTuesday tweetswant to suggest that this week we need to give special attention to the protests themselves. With protests just days away, now is the time we must: Get people to find their local action! When people join up with others near them, protesting the war ceases to be solely theoretical and begins to become a reality. There is a list of many actions nationwide (and worldwide) on the website for the Chicago protest; I predict that as the hours pass, the number of local protests will grow too fast for this list to keep up with!
