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MLK explains to the Corporate Press the Historical Necessity for Civil Disobedience in 1965 video

Martin Luther King Jr. on NBC’s Meet the Press in 1965


IW: The questioning of Dr. King by the corporate press is reminiscent of the same questions that they ask the Occupy movement today.


On March 28, 1965, Martin Luther King, Jr. appeared on NBC’s Meet The Press.

One week after leading his historic five-day march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, King said that the demonstration was necessary not just to help push the Voting Rights Bill through, but to draw attention to the humiliating conditions in Alabama such as police brutality and racially-motivated murder.

Power of Nonviolence Thoreau CD: Peace Book Chapter 4 10/10/11

The Power of Nonviolence Writings by Advocates of PeaceThe fourth chapter of The Power of Nonviolence: Writings by Advocates of Peace brings us to Henry David Thoreau‘s seminal 1849 essay on Civil Disobedience.  This is the essay that turned words into action.  It turned the future into right now.  This essay educated two of the most powerful leaders of the 20th century, Gandhi and King.  It provided the foundations for their nonviolent movements.

Like many of his fellow transcendentalists, Thoreau was an abolitionist. He reacted strongly to President Polk’s incitement of the Mexican War in 1846. The war was intended to annex territory for slavery. Congressman Abraham Lincoln’s outspoken opposition to the war essentially ended his political career for 8 years.

An animation showing when United States territ...
Image via Wikipedia

Thoreau took it a step further.  He saw that living in a the the free state of Massachusetts and speaking out against slavery did not absolve him of involvement in the war, and in furthering slavery.  Thoreau saw that his support of the government — his payment of taxes — made him complicit.  Despite having coined the phrase in the beginning of this essay that teeters between libertarian and anarchist:  Continue reading Power of Nonviolence Thoreau CD: Peace Book Chapter 4 10/10/11