Black Friday for some people means lining up for bargains at the doors of big corporations. Though, people who want our country to be more sustainable, and less dependent on war money, have often asked people to “Buy Nothing” on the day after Thanksgiving.
This year, there are several ways to celebrate the empowerment that is Buy-Nothing-Day:
-Make sure you do not buy anything on Friday, November 23, 2012
-On all the other shopping days leading to Christmas and Chanukah…shop local, union, Fair Trade, organic, natural, and/or sustainably when possible. [See our Peace Couple website for Kind Shopping ideas.]
-Join Occupy Wall Street in your area, as they protest at Walmart, in support of striking Walmart workers.
An anti-Black Friday shopping video at Youtube: here and below.
An excellent (archival) speech by Reverend Billy about Black Friday, Consumerism, and Buy Nothing Day: here.
An example of a local Occupy Black Friday Demo at Walmart: Continue reading Black Friday: Buy Nothing! Demand Peace! Support striking Wal-Mart workers!