Tag Archives: Black History

Coded messages: Peace Song for 1/11/2012

“Follow The Drinkin’ Gourd” is the Peace Song of the Day for January 11, 2012. You can find lyrics, chords, and resources for this song at the Rise Up Singing songbook on page 59.

This is an African American spiritual. It contained secret messages for slaves about how they could use astronomy to find their way to the first stop on “The Underground Railroad”, and travel North to freedom.

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Harriet Tubman didn’t take no stuff: Peace Song for 1/9/2012

Underground Railroad hero Harriet Tubman deserves a song and a poem!

So the Peace Song of the Day for January 9th is “Harriet Tubman” by Walter Robinson. This is a powerful song, bringing the listener into the moment. It starts, “One night I dreamed I was in slavery, ’bout 1850 was the time”. You can find the lyrics and chords to this song in the Rise Up Singing songbook on page 60.

The peace poem for today is “Harriet Tubman” by Eloise Greenfield (from her book, Honey, I Love). This poem is a fun and spirited celebration of history. It could be used as a mantra or anthem or jump rope rhyme for anyone seeking to overcome personal or political obstacles. (See various video versions at the bottom of this post.)

Continue reading Harriet Tubman didn’t take no stuff: Peace Song for 1/9/2012