Tag Archives: Barack Obama

Who is asking Obama for peace?: Please advise

The State of The Union is tonight. [was Tuesday, Feb 12, 2013]

I have seen messages in my e-mail from various groups with important lobbying messages for President Obama. Though, I don’t recall seeing anyone specifically lobbying for peace.

I will have my eyes open, and blog here with any messages or demonstrations about peace.

Please, please, comment and/or send links to groups working on a peace/anti-war message for this evening.

It will be interesting to look at the way the The Daily Peace Culture Index for the United States (aks: PAXi Peace Index) moves in the lead-up and follow-up to the State of the Union. Continue reading Who is asking Obama for peace?: Please advise

Will your Rep Join @BruceBraley on #AfghanistanTuesday ?

Joe Scarry posts about our first #AfghanistanTuesday suceess in Scarry Thoughts: AfghanistanHour: Speak Now Or ….:

This is what it looks like when a member of Congress states his position on getting out of Afghanistan:

Bruce Braley represents Iowas 1st congressional district and this is a tweet he sent August 26 in response to our query, “Where do you stand on bringing #troops #home from #Afghanistan?”

There is now a movement for #AfghanistanHour for Tuesday at Noon to be reserved for our elected officials to tweet their question about bringing the troops home:  Continue reading Will your Rep Join @BruceBraley on #AfghanistanTuesday ?

Has Your #Peace Group Joined #AfghanistanTuesday ?

Duke Augustus believes #AfghanistanTuesday is an effective way for your Peace Group to bring attention to the 10- year war the US is conducting in Afghanistan.  The US corporate media ignores any protests against the war, and even ignores that a war is going on.  The best way to stop the war is to bring the issue directly to thecitizens.  if you are not familiar with Twitter, they track search terms with a “#” before them, and report which ones are “tracking” meaning they are getting a lot of tweets.

[blackbirdpie url=”http://twitter.com/#!/MidwestAntiwar/status/108567578959544321″]

So what can your peace group do?  Get your members to give 5 minutes to advocate for peace:  Continue reading Has Your #Peace Group Joined #AfghanistanTuesday ?