Tag Archives: APEC

APEC World Leaders Hear Hawaiian Occupy Song: Peace Song for 11/13

“We Are the Many” by Makana is The Peace Song of the Day for November 13th.  We are doing something a little different for the song of the day today.  Below is the press release for this brand new occupy song that World Leaders unexpectedly got to hear premiered:

APEC World Leaders Dinner Gets Occupied

Within secure zone, musician sings on behalf of the many

A change in the programmed entertainment at last night’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) gala left a few world leaders slack-jawed, though most seemed not to notice that anything was amiss.

During the gala dinner, renowned Hawaiian guitarist Makana, who performed at the White House in 2009, opened his suit jacket to reveal a home-made “Occupy with Aloha” T-shirt. Then, instead of playing the expected instrumental background music, he spent almost 45 minutes repeatedly singing his protest ballad released earlier that day. The ballad, called “We Are the Many,” includes lines such as “The lobbyists at Washington do gnaw…. And until they are purged, we won’t withdraw,” and ends with the refrain: “We’ll occupy the streets, we’ll occupy the courts, we’ll occupy the offices of you, till you do the bidding of the many, not the few.”  Continue reading APEC World Leaders Hear Hawaiian Occupy Song: Peace Song for 11/13