Tag Archives: antiwar

Sweet Alternative to War: Peace Song for 10/31/11

Sweet Cherry Wine” by Tommy James & The Shondells, is the Peace Song of the Day for October 31th.  I have come to appreciate Tommy James  mixture of pop and mesage more.  It’s not enough to just oppose things.  We need to stand for something.  Listen to the 1st stanza.

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARdlyyP8f4A]  Continue reading Sweet Alternative to War: Peace Song for 10/31/11

Join the #AfghanistanTuesday 10 Club

The Duke realizes that this has been a very taxing week for social justice advocates.  The killing of Troy Davis was filled with the hope of repreive for a few hours, and then an overwhelming mourning for the US justice.  At the same time, the Occupy Wall Street movement has been giving a voice to the discontent 99% of Americans feel. Yet with all this going on,  I beg of you to take a few moments to support the #AfghanistanTuesday movement for an immediate end to the war.

[blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/#!/MidwestAntiwar/status/116508587915886592″]  Continue reading Join the #AfghanistanTuesday 10 Club

Masters of War: Peace Song of the Day 9/10/11

Masters of War by Bob Dylan is the Peace Song of the Day for Saturday, September 10, 2011.   When Duchess Susanna heard Duke Augustus playing this song this morning, she requested he post it as it the Peace Song of the Day because she had to leave to go bring music into the world.  Duke Augustus find these to be some of Dylan’s most straight-forward lyrics, but there still seems to be room for disagreement.  The song was released in the spring of 1963 album The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan.  Wikipedia claims that Nat Hentoff‘s liner notes frame the song as a protest against Cold War arms build-up.The liner note themselves seem to give the song a broader context:

“Masters of War” startles Dylan himself. “I’ve never really written anything like that before,” he recalls. “I don’t sing songs which hope people will die, but I couldn’t help it in this one. The song is a sort of striking out, a reaction to the last straw, a feeling of what can you do?” The rage (which is as much anguish as it is anger) is a away of catharsis, a way of getting temporary relief from the heavy feeling of impotence that affects many who cannot understand a civilization which juggles it’s own means for oblivion and calls that performance an act toward peace.

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpMEq1vmgpI]  Continue reading Masters of War: Peace Song of the Day 9/10/11

Has Your #Peace Group Joined #AfghanistanTuesday ?

Duke Augustus believes #AfghanistanTuesday is an effective way for your Peace Group to bring attention to the 10- year war the US is conducting in Afghanistan.  The US corporate media ignores any protests against the war, and even ignores that a war is going on.  The best way to stop the war is to bring the issue directly to thecitizens.  if you are not familiar with Twitter, they track search terms with a “#” before them, and report which ones are “tracking” meaning they are getting a lot of tweets.

[blackbirdpie url=”http://twitter.com/#!/MidwestAntiwar/status/108567578959544321″]

So what can your peace group do?  Get your members to give 5 minutes to advocate for peace:  Continue reading Has Your #Peace Group Joined #AfghanistanTuesday ?