Below is the official Occupy Wall Street/OWS video to thank supporters. This video was passed by consensus through the New York City General Assembly/NYCGA on Tuesday, December 20, 2011. It is posted at
Continue reading Video: Thanks To Supporters (The Holiday Message) from Occupy Wall Street
Tag Archives: Activism and Peace Work
Gonna’ rise again: Peace Song for 12/20/2011
“Gone, Gonna Rise Again” by Si Kahn is the Peace Song of the Day for December 20th.
Continue reading Gonna’ rise again: Peace Song for 12/20/2011
Peace Song of the Day: The start of “Sonny Meadows Week”
“How Does A Patriot Act?“, by Sonny Meadows is the Peace Song of the Day for December 5, 2011. This song questions the true nature of patriotism, and celebrates acts of courage, protest, and civil disobedience.
Continue reading Peace Song of the Day: The start of “Sonny Meadows Week”
Bumper Sticker: War is for the 1%
Click on the photo or the link above to purchase this bumper sticker.
Both sets of Peace Couples are proud to announce the launching of our new Cafe Press shop. Hope you are as eager as we are to see the shop fill up with items that celebrate peace and nonviolence.
Our first item is a bumper sticker, with a slogan inspired by Occupy Wall Street, and dreamed up by Duchess Susanna:
“War is for the 1%”
You can purchase this bumper sticker at the PeaceCouple Cafe Press Shop for $5.
We truly appreciate your financial support for our message, and for our continuous work promoting peace and nonviolence.
Duke Augustus and Duchess Susanna
Ian and Kimberly Wilder
of Wilderside LTD

Peace Couple visits Occupy Wall Street
Occupy Wall Street is going into its fourth week. Kimberly and Ian Wilder of Peace Couple went to support the occupation today. They brought donations and their handheld camera. Hope you enjoy seeing some of the energy and spirit of this people’s movement to create more peace and justice in the world.
There is a link to our Peace Couple Occupy Wall Street photo album: here.
Some individual photos below, including another “peace couple”, who are occupying Wall Street:

Peaceful Healing: Peace Song of the Day for 9/22/2011
“Night Swimming” by REM is the Peace Song of the Day for Thursday, September 22nd.
Duchess Susanna writes: Continue reading Peaceful Healing: Peace Song of the Day for 9/22/2011