“War Babies” by Mick Jagger is the Peace Song of the Day for June 12th.
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“War Babies” by Mick Jagger is the Peace Song of the Day for June 12th.
Continue reading Babies in the war: Peace Song of the Day for 6/12/2012
Jello Biafra‘s “Attack of the Peacekeepers” is the Peace Song of the Day for May 16th.
This choice is somewhat unusual for our Peace Couple daily project, because it is punk rock, a little too fast for most campfire singers, and has quite an edge of sarcasm. Though, NATO will meet in Chicago, and this song is an interesting way to think about the facts of peace, war, and military strategy.
This song is from the 1980’s. It alludes to the way that NATO made us believe we needed their bombs and military might to ward off the Soviets and East Germany. It is interesting to realize how the Soviet and East German threats truly faded away. And, it might be interesting to update this song with verses about the fake war on terrorism.
Sample lyrics and more info on the Chicago demonstrations at the readmore… Continue reading Thinking about NATO: Peace Song of the Day for 5/16/2012
“The War Song” by Culture Club is/was the Peace Song of the Day for January 23rd. Many thanks to David Kirschenbaum at Boog City for conjuring up this suggestion when we asked for an obscure, antiwar song!
How it starts: “War, war is stupid…And people are stupid…” Continue reading War, war is stupid: Peace Song for 1/23/2012