Category Archives: Video

The voice of youth: Peace Song for 12/22/2011

Johnny Cash has at least two songs about truth. This one is about young people and the truth. “What Is Truth?” by Johnny Cash is the Peace Song of the Day for 12/22. Thanks to Bill McNulty for bringing our attention to this song. You can listen to Bill’s radio show at lunchtime on Thursdays at WUSB 90.1FM Stony Brook (NY).

Continue reading The voice of youth: Peace Song for 12/22/2011

12 Reasons “It’s A Wonderful Life” is like Occupy Wall Street

Occupy The Movies:
A dozen reasons the movie “It’s A Wonderful Life” is just like
the Occupy Wall Street movement:

Occupy Wall Street: Making signsYou have probably seen the movie, “It’s A Wonderful Life”, starring Jimmy Stewart. It is based on the 1943 short story “The Greatest Gift” by Philip Van Doren Stern. Though, it all could be happening right now…

1. Handmade Signs

In It’s a Wonderful Life, Mary Hatch Bailey (played by Donna Reed) makes a hand-painted sign that reads, “George Lassos The Moon”.

The Occupy movement is known for its thousands of hand-made protest signs. We have some sample photos at our onthewilderside Flickr: here.

2. Place names get switched back and forth, in a struggle with the 1%. Continue reading 12 Reasons “It’s A Wonderful Life” is like Occupy Wall Street

99 Silver Bells and other Occupy Christmas Carols ………(was our Peace Song of the Day for 12/13/11)

Occupy Christmas Carol medley on Youtube: here.

“99 Silver Bells”, performed by songwriter DMac and The Occupy The Hamptons Choir:

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More about this song, and some more Occupy Christmas Music… Continue reading 99 Silver Bells and other Occupy Christmas Carols ………(was our Peace Song of the Day for 12/13/11)

Happy Xmas (War Is Over): Peace Song for 12/12/2011

Happy Xmas (War Is Over) by John Lennon and Yoko Ono is the Peace Song of the Day for December 12, 2011. A beautiful and hopeful song for the holidays.

I think it is fascinating how people have different reactions to Yoko Ono than they usually might, because she was married to someone that the world admired and desired. For those people who can understand the importance of Yoko Ono in her own right — as a brilliant artist, and a peaceful musician — it is very fun to follow her on Twitter. You can find her at: @yokoono She often posts thought-changing ideas, and fun, suggested challenges.
Continue reading Happy Xmas (War Is Over): Peace Song for 12/12/2011

Where your friends are waiting: Peace Song for 12/9/2011

The Last Church On The Left” by Sonny Meadows is the Peace Song of the day for December 9th. You can find this song on the album Tolerance.

There are many reasons why we love this song! Besides our admiration for Sonny Meadows, this song is also a tribute to one of our heroes. The song describes a favorite memory: Susan Blake, welcoming people to the PeaceSmiths Cofffeehouse. Susan June Blake, who passed away in 2007, was the long time Coordinator of PeaceSmiths, and a dear friend of Ian and Kimberly.

Continue reading Where your friends are waiting: Peace Song for 12/9/2011

High School and the military: Peace Song for 12/7/2011

Hangin’ In The High School Hall” by Sonny Meadows is the Peace Song of the Day for December 7th.

You can find this song on two different albums: How Does A Patriot Act (Sonny Meadows) and I Never Thought I’d Miss Richard Nixon (Blacklisted & The Banned, with Sonny Meadows, Bob Campbell, Jon Foreman, Bob Westcott, and Robert Langley).

Continue reading High School and the military: Peace Song for 12/7/2011