Category Archives: Video

War, Peace and Sunshine: Peace Song for 3/12/2012

Sunshine” by Jonathan Edwards (circa 1971) is the Peace Song of the Day for March 12th. During the Vietnam War, it was sung very sad. Now, Jonathan Edwards sings it more upbeat and sweet. And, the ending has always held a burst of hope…”This old world, she’s gonna turn around / Brand new bells’ll be ringing.”

Sample lyrics and more about the song after the video…

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Time Change: Peace Song for 3/11/12

Time” by Pink Floyd, is the Peace Song of the Day for March 11th.  Duchess Susanna suggested a song about time for daylight savings time.  Duke Augustus immediately went to this classic song from Pink Floyd’s monumental Dark Side of the Moon album


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Don’t you wanna ride this Love Train?: Peace Song for 3/5/2012

“Love Train”, written by Kenny Gamble and Leon Huff, and performed by The O’Jays, is the Peace Song of the Day for March 5th.

More about this song: Continue reading Don’t you wanna ride this Love Train?: Peace Song for 3/5/2012

A winter reflection too rich for words: Peace Song for 3/3/2012

Sometimes feelings are too rich for words. Sometimes the words do not flow.

The Peace Song of the Day is usually something very singable, with lyrics that reflect on peace or justice. Though, the winter has cast a lull on the Duchess (if you notice, we are very behind on our daily project) and the winter has stirred deep feelings. So, the Peace Song for today has no words. It reflects peace by creating healing, and perhaps tuning one in to the season, in the hopes of bringing inner harmony.

The Peace Song of the Day for March 3rd is “Contemplating Winter” by Jayson Williamson. It is a new composition, inspired by Native American music, performed on Native American flute.

Continue reading A winter reflection too rich for words: Peace Song for 3/3/2012

Go away warplanes: A soothing and empowering Peace Song of the Day for 2/5/2012

“I Am Not At War With Anyone” by Luka Bloom is the Peace Song of the Day for February 5th. Singing this song is a wonderful way to get centered in yourself and centered in peace.
Continue reading Go away warplanes: A soothing and empowering Peace Song of the Day for 2/5/2012

The world needs love!: Peace Song for 1/24/2012

What The World Needs Now, by Hal David and Burt Bacharach, is the Peace Song of the Day for 1/24/2012.

And, speaking of love, please see our side bar, store page, or Valentine’s book post for ideas about what to buy your sweetie for February 14th. Many of our links give us partner credits for purchases. Peace Couple and Wilderside, Ltd appreciate the support you give us, when you do some compassionate through our site.

Continue reading The world needs love!: Peace Song for 1/24/2012