Category Archives: Social Justice

Video from Occupy The Rose Parade: Occupy Octopus and more!

Did you hear about the occupiers who marched at the end of the Rose Bowl Parade? Seems like a good action for visibility. And, it looks like they had fun.

Here are some reports:

Washington Post blog article: here.
(Police say there were 400 occupiers. Occupiers claim 5,000. You do the math!)

Video showing the Occupy Octopus:

More Videos: Continue reading Video from Occupy The Rose Parade: Occupy Octopus and more!

Imagine all the people singing about peace: Peace Song for 12/30/2011

Imagine There's No Hunger    -  Strawberry Fie...

What song will thousands of people around the world hear tomorrow, as they watch the ball drop in Times Square, NYC? Probably, John Lennon’s “Imagine”.

Imagine by John Lennon is the Peace Song of the day for 12/30/2011. And, also, for that moment when hundreds of thousands of people around the world sing it together while envisioning a peaceful, New Year.

The song “Imagine” has also resonated with folks from the Occupy Wall Street movement. “Imagine” was one of the tunes sung by the small group of stalwarts who gathered at Liberty Square/Zuccotti Park for Christmas. [See story at DNA Info: here]

Below the first video are links to lots and lot of videos of occupiers singing Imagine.

Continue reading Imagine all the people singing about peace: Peace Song for 12/30/2011

Peace, justice, and food: Peace Song for 12/27

Common Thread by Pat Humphries is the Peace Song of the Day for 12/27. You can find the lyrics and chords to this song in The Rise Up Singing songbook on page 238.

More about this song… Continue reading Peace, justice, and food: Peace Song for 12/27

Merry Christmas: Peace Song of the Day for 12/25/2011

Merry Christmas to all our old friends and new visitors at Peace Couple!

The Peace Song for the day is “Over The River And Through The Woods”. It is based on a Thanksgiving poem, though, is often turned into Christmas music. The song was written by Lydia Maria Child (1802 – 1880) , whom Wikipedia notes:  “…was an American abolitionist, women’s rights activist, opponent of American expansionism, Indian rights activist, novelist, and journalist and Unitarian.”

Continue reading Merry Christmas: Peace Song of the Day for 12/25/2011

Video: Thanks To Supporters (The Holiday Message) from Occupy Wall Street

Below is the official Occupy Wall Street/OWS video to thank supporters. This video was passed by consensus through the New York City General Assembly/NYCGA on Tuesday, December 20, 2011. It is posted at

Continue reading Video: Thanks To Supporters (The Holiday Message) from Occupy Wall Street

The voice of youth: Peace Song for 12/22/2011

Johnny Cash has at least two songs about truth. This one is about young people and the truth. “What Is Truth?” by Johnny Cash is the Peace Song of the Day for 12/22. Thanks to Bill McNulty for bringing our attention to this song. You can listen to Bill’s radio show at lunchtime on Thursdays at WUSB 90.1FM Stony Brook (NY).

Continue reading The voice of youth: Peace Song for 12/22/2011

12 Reasons “It’s A Wonderful Life” is like Occupy Wall Street

Occupy The Movies:
A dozen reasons the movie “It’s A Wonderful Life” is just like
the Occupy Wall Street movement:

Occupy Wall Street: Making signsYou have probably seen the movie, “It’s A Wonderful Life”, starring Jimmy Stewart. It is based on the 1943 short story “The Greatest Gift” by Philip Van Doren Stern. Though, it all could be happening right now…

1. Handmade Signs

In It’s a Wonderful Life, Mary Hatch Bailey (played by Donna Reed) makes a hand-painted sign that reads, “George Lassos The Moon”.

The Occupy movement is known for its thousands of hand-made protest signs. We have some sample photos at our onthewilderside Flickr: here.

2. Place names get switched back and forth, in a struggle with the 1%. Continue reading 12 Reasons “It’s A Wonderful Life” is like Occupy Wall Street