Category Archives: Social Justice

Simplicity in this busy, holiday season: Peace Song for 12/19/2011

Simple Gifts is the Peace Song of the Day for December 19th. It is a Shaker song written by Joseph Brackett in 1848. You can find the lyrics to this song, as well as additional, new lyrics about loving, poverty, and liberty, in the Rise Up Singing songbook.

This song causes me to reflect on the idea of Voluntary Simplicity — keeping things simple, and doing with less, even if you can afford more. At this holiday season, it is nice to enjoy the simple gifts of family and sharing. Hope you will consider shopping less, making your own presents, and studying ideas about Voluntary Simplicity. You can find books on that topic at your local book store, or at Powells Books: here.

Judy Collins performs Simple Gifts (‘Tis The Gift To Be Simple) in this video from 1963:

Continue reading Simplicity in this busy, holiday season: Peace Song for 12/19/2011

Can’t you see something is happening?: Peace Song for 12/18/2011 (catch-up)

“Ballad of a Thin Man” (aka “Mr. Jones”) by Bob Dylan is/was the Peace Song of the Day for December 18th.

Augustus, The Duke of Peace, would like to dedicate this song to all those who judge before they listen.

Continue reading Can’t you see something is happening?: Peace Song for 12/18/2011 (catch-up)

99 Silver Bells and other Occupy Christmas Carols ………(was our Peace Song of the Day for 12/13/11)

Occupy Christmas Carol medley on Youtube: here.

“99 Silver Bells”, performed by songwriter DMac and The Occupy The Hamptons Choir:

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More about this song, and some more Occupy Christmas Music… Continue reading 99 Silver Bells and other Occupy Christmas Carols ………(was our Peace Song of the Day for 12/13/11)

Happy Xmas (War Is Over): Peace Song for 12/12/2011

Happy Xmas (War Is Over) by John Lennon and Yoko Ono is the Peace Song of the Day for December 12, 2011. A beautiful and hopeful song for the holidays.

I think it is fascinating how people have different reactions to Yoko Ono than they usually might, because she was married to someone that the world admired and desired. For those people who can understand the importance of Yoko Ono in her own right — as a brilliant artist, and a peaceful musician — it is very fun to follow her on Twitter. You can find her at: @yokoono She often posts thought-changing ideas, and fun, suggested challenges.
Continue reading Happy Xmas (War Is Over): Peace Song for 12/12/2011

Never Thought I’d Miss Richard Nixon: Peace Song for 12/10/2011

I Never Thought I’d Miss Richard Nixon by Sonny Meadows is the Peace Song of the Day for December 10th. This song is on the album of the same title, and performed by Blacklisted & The Banned.

The song was released in 2007. It describes how the Nixon era seemed better than the White House of the time. You would have to contact Sonny Meadows to ask if he believes that still applies. Though, Peace Couple is certain that some of the conditions listed, such as “All this right wing rhetoric / The ramblings of lunatics…”, still permeate our government.

Continue reading Never Thought I’d Miss Richard Nixon: Peace Song for 12/10/2011