Category Archives: Peace

Happy Martin Luther King Day!

Happy MLK Day!

Poetry fills me with hope and inspiration. So, I was very happy to have stumbled across this poem while sorting through a National Geogrpahic Society anthology of world poems. The poem is from South Africa. Though, it sounds like words that Martin Luther King, Jr. might have sang in his heart.

(Excerpt below. Found the full poem at another writer’s blog: Where the Rainbow Ends here.)

Where the Rainbow Ends

…There’s no such tune as a black tune.
There’s no such tune as a white tune.
There’s only  music, brother…

by Richard Rive

Continue reading Happy Martin Luther King Day!

International Day of Conscientious Objectors May 15th

International Conscientious Objection Day From the International Conscientious Objectors Day on War Resisters League:

Every year, 15th May is International Conscientious Objectors day.

Around the world campaigners will be remembering the generations who refused to go to war, and raising awareness of the many who continue to be persecuted and imprisoned for refusing to kill and be part of military structures.

Please join an event (they will be listed here nearer the time), hold your own, and spread the word about the day!

Please send us your events so we can list them here!

You can use the hashtag #CODay (o #díaOC en español)

Sept 2015: Occupy Celebrates 4th Anniversary with NYC events

Occupy Wall Street celebrates its 4th Anniversary in New York City with blackpeacea full day of protests, marches, speakers, and music.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Some FaceBook links and a schedule with events and speakers is below.

Summary: Stuff is happening in NYC all day today. Most events are at Zuccotti Park. Be at Zuccotti at 5pm for the big Assembly visioning meeting. Then, at 7pm at Zuccotti, gathering and special speakers. (But, check other schedules, and stay alert for all the actions going on!)


Assembly at 5pm
at Zuccotti Park…


Full schedule of activities
posted on #OWSS172015 4 year anniversary FB… Continue reading Sept 2015: Occupy Celebrates 4th Anniversary with NYC events

Ringo: #PEACEANDLOVE at Noon 7/7 for my Birthday

Ringo Starr: #peaceandlove for his 75th birthday



July 7th, 2015 is Ringo Starr’s Birthday and he’d like for you to celebrate Peace and Love right along with him! At noon, your-time, wherever you are, Ringo invites you to put up a peace sign and say out loud or to yourself, “Peace and love!”

And there are many ways for you to enjoy the moment of Peace and Love: all by yourself, wherever you may be, in a group of friends, or at an event featuring Ringo Starr and friends! Go to the Facebook event page for more details:

How To Participate in #PEACEANDLOVE on JULY 7, 2015

Continue reading Ringo: #PEACEANDLOVE at Noon 7/7 for my Birthday

Happy 4th of July: PAXi Peace Index is 850

Peace, justice, and nonviolence are being discussed this 4th of July holiday.

The PAXi Peace Index for today, July 4, 2015 is:

You can learn more about the PAXi Peace Index in our original post: Peace Index Intro

Two stories in the news about ways to further the peace are: 1. A story on Public Radio International about how American police can learn from English police who use weapons less (umm….okay, a little ironic for Independence Day!) and 2. A story about schools sharing lessons about peace and justice from the Ferguson community.

Excerpts and links to those stories at the readmore: Continue reading Happy 4th of July: PAXi Peace Index is 850

Peace Index Update: July 2015 PAXi

Peace Indicator Updates.

July 1, 2015:
PAXi Daily Peace Indicator equals:

Since July of 2012, Peace Couple has checked daily statistics about the level of discussion about peace and nonviolence in the United States. You can find out more about the PAXi Index at our original post: Peace Index Daily Stats

Since this is a homegrown project, we have occasionally missed numbers, and we have been remiss on calculating and posting numbers for long stretches of time. Though, we wanted to catch up a bit by offering some recent figures.

Below are highlights of the PAXi Peace Index, including new numbers for May 1st, June 1st, and July 1st of 2015: Continue reading Peace Index Update: July 2015 PAXi