Category Archives: Music

A dream of paradise: Peace Song for 8/16/2011

“Andorra” aka “I Want To Go To Andorra” is the Royal Peace Song of the Day for Tuesday, August 16th. The song was written by Malvina Reynolds. Pete Seeger has recorded the song, and added verses. You can find the lyrics in the Rise Up Singing songbook on page 158. And, you can buy a copy of Rise Up Singing at Powell’s book store: here.

Here is a youtube performance of “Andorra” by Raymond Crooke:

[youtube=] Continue reading A dream of paradise: Peace Song for 8/16/2011

Only march for peace!: Peace Song of the Day for Monday 8/15/2011

“I Ain’t Marchin’ Anymore” by Phil Ochs is The Royal Peace Song of the Day for Monday, August 15th. You can find the lyrics in the Rise Up Singing songbook on page 159 in the Peace section. You can purchase a copy of Rise Up Singing, filled with lots of songs about peace and justice, at Powell’s Books: here.


An excerpt from the lyrics… Continue reading Only march for peace!: Peace Song of the Day for Monday 8/15/2011

Mimetic Theory: Peace Song for 8/14/2011

“The Mimetic Theory Song” is The Royal Song of the Day for Sunday, August 14th. This song was written by Sonny Meadows, for a local peace event. It is very catchy. The song is in the video below, at the 3min 55sec mark:

[youtube=] Continue reading Mimetic Theory: Peace Song for 8/14/2011

Royal Song of the Day: Saturday 8/13/2011

The Royal Song of the Day is Be Kind To Your Web Footed Friends. You can find the lyrics in Rise Up Singing on page 70. Susanna, Duchess of Peace, chose this song to follow the thread of loving the earth, and to honor the unusual sighting of a pod of 200 dolphins in Long Island Sound. More about that story: here.

“Be Kind To Your Web Footed Friends” is sung to the tune of “Stars & Stripes Forever”. And, the whimsical, web-footed verse is actually much more famous, and much more peaceful, than the official lyrics of the march.

Chamber music version

[youtube=] Continue reading Royal Song of the Day: Saturday 8/13/2011

Questioning nuclear energy: Peace Song of the Day for 8/12/2011

“All Clear in Harrisburg” is The Royal Song of the Day for Friday, August 12th. The Duke requested an anti-nuclear song for today. Sustainability and nonviolence towards the earth are important parts of peace.

[youtube=] Continue reading Questioning nuclear energy: Peace Song of the Day for 8/12/2011

Royal Song of the Day: Thursday 8/11/2011

The Royal Song of the Day for Thursday, August 11th is “Auprès De Ma Blonde”.


There are two reasons for choosing this song. First, it is about the joy of being near the one you love. In order to stay peaceful, it is helpful to have support, and to nurture the relationships around you. Second, singing in another language is sometimes a way to relax, and also to open up your thinking and imagination in a magic way. Continue reading Royal Song of the Day: Thursday 8/11/2011

Royal Song of the Day: Tuesday 8/9/2011

Where Have All The Flowers Gone is the Royal Song of the Day for Tuesday, August 9th. You can find the lyrics at Rise Up Singing on page 165.

Below are a few video samples of Pete Seeger singing this song he wrote…

Pete Seeger singing “Where Have All the Flowers Gone”, on stage with his grandson, Tao Rodriguez-Seeger and with Arlo Guthrie. As posted at an Arlo family Youtube channel:

[youtube=] Continue reading Royal Song of the Day: Tuesday 8/9/2011