Royal Fashion for Peace and Justice

Duchess Susanna writes: Did you see the rude headlines? What a waste of time. “Pippa wears see-through dress to Wimbledon”. Hope you did not get fooled. It was a black, crochet dress, that looked like something my Grandmother might have knit and/or worn.

I have been contemplating why everyone cares so much about what Pippa Middleton and Duchess Catherine wear. I guess it can be fun and sociable to dress like other women. Though, don’t we all have other women in our lives to emulate?

Fashion is such an important part of our selves and our cultural identity. I am more excited about fashion choices that can protect the earth, create justice, and celebrate peace and nonviolence. Instead of $1,300 leather purses, like the fancy one Duchess Catherine has been wearing, I prefer bags made from cloth or straw. (And, straw is “in” this season, too.)

Duchess Susanna’s Guide to Fashion

The Best Ways To Get A New Outfit

1. Get a hand-me down

2. Shop at a thrift store

3. Make a new one yourself

4. Shop at an authentic, import store, where the owners are selling goods from their own country. (It may not be a scientific way to be sure that justice is being served, but you usually can feel good karma, and get interesting clothes, made with natural fabrics)

5. Shop at a basement or discount store (find one where the clothing is clearly passed over and passed on from retail. It is a kind of recycling)

6. Go to a regular store, and check the label. Accept clothes with some hint of being “fair trade”, made in a country that is not known for exploitation, and/or with signs of being organic or natural material.

It is ironic, having a designer or seamstress who is a worker, and profits fairly from his/her designs, would probably be a very noble way to get a dress. I wonder if we should give some of the rich and famous credit when they have a designer who is new, or who is “down and out” design their dress? Somehow, the formula seems skewed here, though, since designers working for the rich-and-famous are usually rich-and-famous themselves, and are often connected to multi-national corporations.

Duke Augustus has found an excellent article which explains how to avoid buying items made in sweatshops. It is at Green America: here.

Notes on the photos depicting key pieces in Duchess Susanna’s wardrobe:

-The tan and denim coat dress is a hand-me down from one of Duchess Susanna’s dear friends. The belt is made of wood circles and rope. Duchess Susanna tried to find belts and shoes made from materials other than leather.

-The purple ensemble is a matching skirt and a long, swing jacket. It is a very fun and sturdy hand-me down. The campaign button was worn to a mainstream political event, it announces, “Long Island says NO to war”.

-Duke Augustus is wearing a cotton sweatshirt that he designed himself at an on-line site. Duchess Susanna is wearing a mocha brown tee shirt of organic cotton that announces, “be the change”. She purchased it at a local alternative health center which has a connected retail shop of inspirational products.

Please submit photos of yourself in peaceful fashion items. We will try to post some at the Peace Couple website.

Duchess Susanna is married to Duke Augustus Kasmira. They are The Duke and Duchess of Peace. The Duke and Duchess hope that following their whimsical adventures on the Peace Couple website will provide entertainment and cultural fun for peace-minded folks, trying not to be too distracted by the other royal families.

8 thoughts on “Royal Fashion for Peace and Justice”

  1. I was looking forward to your pictures, but they did not appear when I opened your article!!!! I am techno-amish, is it a problem with your site or my mail?

  2. Andrea,

    Thanks for stopping by. And, thanks for letting us know!

    We did an upgrade of the site, and some of the photos did not come through. I have to go back and reload ones. Will get them up asap.



  3. Hah! Fuschia would indeed have been an issue. That eccrkad me up. Pippa was helping with the little girls and the train the whole time she didn’t have a hand free for flowers, so it didn’t look out of place. In an average wedding though, where there aren’t long trains to wrangle, bridesmaids without flowers might look a little spartan.

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