Peace Indicator Updates.
July 1, 2015:
PAXi Daily Peace Indicator equals:
Since July of 2012, Peace Couple has checked daily statistics about the level of discussion about peace and nonviolence in the United States. You can find out more about the PAXi Index at our original post: Peace Index Daily Stats
Since this is a homegrown project, we have occasionally missed numbers, and we have been remiss on calculating and posting numbers for long stretches of time. Though, we wanted to catch up a bit by offering some recent figures.
Below are highlights of the PAXi Peace Index, including new numbers for May 1st, June 1st, and July 1st of 2015:
July 15th of 2012: 131 (beginning date of PAXi)
Oct 14th of 2012: 979
March 31st of 2013: 1,371 (Easter)
Oct 11th of 2013: 2, 083 (Nobel Peace Prize discussions)
Dec 11th of 2013: 1, 725
2015! ** Skipping to 2015! **
May 1st of 2015: 986
June 1st of 2015: 668
June 26, 2015: 957
June 27, 2015: 862
June 28, 2015: 878
June 29, 2015: 681
June 30, 2015: 962
July 1, 2015: 701
July 2, 2015: 608
July 3, 2015: 884
Looking forward to more discussion and commitment concerning peace and nonviolence in our world!