In honor of poet Langston Hughes’ 113th Birthday, the Google banner has a wonderful, animated video of the poem “I Dream A World”. Peace Couple couldn’t be happier than seeing Google honor a poet and a vision of peace in the world.
For an interesting, annotated version of the Langston Hughes poem, “I Dream A World”, go to here.
Langston Hughes: Born February 1, 1902. Died May 22, 1967.
If you are looking for a Langston Hughes poem to share with preschoolers to elementary students, this one is beautiful:
Dream Variations To fling my arms wide In some place of the sun, To whirl and to dance Till the white day is done. Then rest at cool evening Beneath a tall tree While night comes on gently, Dark like me -- That is my dream! To fling my arms wide In the face of the sun, Dance! Whirl! Whirl! Till the quick day is done. Rest at pale evening... A tall, slim tree... Night coming tenderly Black like me. -Langston Hughes