Jello Biafra‘s “Attack of the Peacekeepers” is the Peace Song of the Day for May 16th.
This choice is somewhat unusual for our Peace Couple daily project, because it is punk rock, a little too fast for most campfire singers, and has quite an edge of sarcasm. Though, NATO will meet in Chicago, and this song is an interesting way to think about the facts of peace, war, and military strategy.
This song is from the 1980’s. It alludes to the way that NATO made us believe we needed their bombs and military might to ward off the Soviets and East Germany. It is interesting to realize how the Soviet and East German threats truly faded away. And, it might be interesting to update this song with verses about the fake war on terrorism.
Sample lyrics and more info on the Chicago demonstrations at the readmore…
At, you can find a huge schedule of nonviolent, activist events surrounding the May 20th and May 21st 2012 NATO meeting in Chicago. Sunday, May 21st will be the big peace march.
For more links and information about the NATO demonstrations in Chicago, see our post: How do people who cherish peace respond to the NATO summit in Chicago?
(excerpt from)
Attack of the Peacekeepers
by Jello Biafra
Remember –
NATO is here to protect you
With nuclear bombs
That come to visit
And decided to stay
Of the peacekeepers
More Daily Peace Songs at our
Daily Peace Song tab: here
The Peace Song of the Day is a project of Duke Augustus and Duchess Susanna, The (whimsical) Duke and Duchess of Peace. These songs exemplify nonviolence, and are usually chosen with singability in mind. We present lots of folk music. Though, in the spirit of diversity and spicing things up, we have also included opera, jazz, and punk rock!