A song to meet your worries: Taxman, by The Beatles, is the Peace Song of the Day for 4/17/2012.
More about this song choice:
Today, Tuesday, April 17, 2012 is Tax Day in the USA. Many peace people wouldn’t mind paying taxes, if they knew the money went to good stuff, like building roads and infrastructure, or supporting a strong and fair court system. Instead, about 48% of our federal money gets poured into the war machine. (See the Pie Chart from the War Resisters League)
So, lamenting unfair taxes, and money poorly spent, seems like a good focus for a Peace Song of the day.
If you can make it to Suffolk County, Long Island, New York today (4/17/2012), you can join our friend Charlotte and some local peace activists and occupy activists for a Tax Protest at the Huntington Post Office. They will hang around at lunchtime, as well as drive-home commute time, with a message about peace, justice, and taxes. Their fliers
say “Tax The 1%“.
Excerpt from the lyrics:
Don’t ask me what I want it for
If you don’t want to pay some more
Bonus Video:
Beatles Cartoon about Robin Hood and The Taxman

More Daily Peace Songs at our
Daily Peace Song tab: here
The Peace Song of the Day is a project of Duke Augustus and Duchess Susanna, The Duke and Duchess of Peace. The Duke and Duchess recognize that one of the paths to peace is to find soulful and nonviolent entertainment, and to express oneself with art and song.