As reported by on the official Levon Helm website…
Levon Helm passed away on April 19, 2012:
Levon Helm
May 26, 1940 ~ April 19, 2012“Levon Helm passed peacefully this afternoon. He was surrounded by family, friends and band mates and will be remembered by all he touched as a brilliant musician and a beautiful soul.”
“When I Go Away” by Levon Helm is the Peace Song of the Day for April 18, 2012.
I love this song, because peace is often ruined by fear, and everyone’s greatest fear is death. This song confronts our greatest fear. “When I Go Away” is a powerful song about the continuity of life, and the strength to deal with the fact that we will be gone someday.
The song is appropriate for today, because on 4/17, Levon Helm’s family has shared the fact that Levon Helm is in his final stages of cancer. I heard this song, and the sad news, on radio station WFUV/NYC.
Here is the message from Levon’s family, as posted at the official, Levon Helm website:
Dear Friends,
Levon is in the final stages of his battle with cancer. Please send your prayers and love to him as he makes his way through this part of his journey.
Thank you fans and music lovers who have made his life so filled with joy and celebration… he has loved nothing more than to play, to fill the room up with music, lay down the back beat, and make the people dance! He did it every time he took the stage…
We appreciate all the love and support and concern.
From his daughter Amy, and wife Sandy
Excerpt from lyrics:
See that storm over yonder
It’s gonna rain all day
But then the sun’s gonna shine
Through the shadows
When I go away

More Peace Songs at our
Daily Peace Song list: here
The Duke and Duchess of Peace are pleased to share their favorite peace songs, old and new. The Duke and Duchess recognize that one of the paths to peace is to find soulful and nonviolent entertainment, and to express oneself with music.