Underground Railroad hero Harriet Tubman deserves a song and a poem!
So the Peace Song of the Day for January 9th is “Harriet Tubman” by Walter Robinson. This is a powerful song, bringing the listener into the moment. It starts, “One night I dreamed I was in slavery, ’bout 1850 was the time”. You can find the lyrics and chords to this song in the Rise Up Singing songbook on page 60.
The peace poem for today is “Harriet Tubman” by Eloise Greenfield (from her book, Honey, I Love). This poem is a fun and spirited celebration of history. It could be used as a mantra or anthem or jump rope rhyme for anyone seeking to overcome personal or political obstacles. (See various video versions at the bottom of this post.)
Excerpt lyrics from the song
Harriet Tubman
by Walter Robinson
…”First mate” she yelled, pointing her hand.
“Make room aboard for this young woman”
Singing come on up, I got a lifeline
Come on up to this train of mine (2 x)…
Excerpt (beginning) of the poem
by Eloise Greenfield
Harriet Tubman didn’t take no stuff
Wasn’t scared of nothing neither…
Full text of Eloise Greenfield’s H Tubman poem can be found: here
* * *
Some fun videos of young people performing the poem “Harriet Tubman” by Eloise Greenfield:
Shortened, but with energy: Video here.
A good recitation by a young woman: Video here.
A first grade class performs Harriet Tubman: Video here.
An original poem by a young person:
“Harriet Tubman”, written and performed by Nakhiah Woodard at a “Black History House” event: Video here.
If you purchase the book from Powell’s Books at the link below, you will be supporting an independent, union bookstore (and Peace Couple/Wilderside Ltd will get a credit! Thanks for your support!)

Note: This song was actually announced/published on January 29, 2012, as part of a marathon catch-up session for the Peace Song of the Day project! Putting it back in chronological order for flow.
Harriet Tubman is very, very, brave but they just treated the black sooooooooooo wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!