The Color Song by Patricia Shi is the Peace Song of the Day for January 4th. You can find the lyrics and chords to this song in the Rise Up Singing songbook on page 238. The song uses child-like images and simplicity to share an important message about diversity.
You can find a sample of this song, and/or purchase the CD or MP3 of the album at CD Baby: here. You can find more songs, books, and good ideas (for children and adults) at Patricia Shih’s website: here.
Excerpt from lyrics:
The Color Song
by Patricia Shih
Why do they call you yellow man?
You’re not yellow at all
Yellow is the color of the morning sun
& dandelions & chicken soup & legal pads & fearful minds
Yes yellow is the color of all these things
but people are not the same…
[Then, there are verses for:]
Why do they call you red man?
Why do they call you black man?
Why do they call you white man?
So, what do you call your fellow man
if color doesn’t matter at all?
Anything! so long as it’s in the name of love
& forgiveness & hopefulness & lasting peace
& dignity & brotherhood..
The Rise Up Singing songbook is an amazing resource. It has the words, chords, and a list of sources for 1,200 songs. This book is great to bring to a campfire, whether you are a musician yourself, or simply an enthusiastic campfire singer.
You can purchase Rise Up Singing at Powell’s union book store. If you go through the link, Peace Couple/Wilderside Ltd. will get credit for sharing it with you. Thanks for supporting our work and website.