Common Thread by Pat Humphries is the Peace Song of the Day for 12/27. You can find the lyrics and chords to this song in The Rise Up Singing songbook on page 238.
More about this song…
The song Common Thread is beautiful and powerful. It expresses all the strength of people joining together and working for justice. It also weaves in an important lesson about vegetarianism. Eating less meat helps create justice and lessen hunger, because it is more expensive to farm animals than to farm plants and grains.
In the song “Common Thread” Pat Humphries illustrates this point with the following lines:
We can feed our grain to cattle…[so that only] the rich man will be fed…
Or, we’ll feed our grain to people so that millions will have bread…
More excerpt from the lyrics
(Repeating, full chorus parts in bold)
In the cold of fear and hatred, clothed in dignity we stand
We will rise all together, we will rise
We have pieced this quilt together linking hearts with stitching hands
We will rise all together, we will rise
We will rise like the ocean, we will rise like the sun
We are spirits drawn together tightly by our common threads…
A book that can help you move towards a more plant-based diet (so that you can help lessen world hunger) is:
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