Merry Christmas: Peace Song of the Day for 12/25/2011

Merry Christmas to all our old friends and new visitors at Peace Couple!

The Peace Song for the day is “Over The River And Through The Woods”. It is based on a Thanksgiving poem, though, is often turned into Christmas music. The song was written by Lydia Maria Child (1802 – 1880) , whom Wikipedia notes:  “…was an American abolitionist, women’s rights activist, opponent of American expansionism, Indian rights activist, novelist, and journalist and Unitarian.”

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Selected verses
Over The River And Through The Woods

Over the river and through the woods
To Grandmother’s house we go
The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh
Through the white and drifted snow

Over the river and through the woods
Oh, how the wind does blow
It stings the toes and bites the nose
As over the ground we go

Over the river and through the woods
Trot fast my dapple gray
Spring o’er the ground just like a hound
For this is Christmas Day

Over the river and through the woods
And straight through the barnyard gate
It seems that we go so dreadfully slow
It is so hard to wait

Over the river and through the woods
Now Grandma’s cap I spy
Hurrah for fun, the pudding’s don
Hurrah for pumpkin pie.


The Peace Song of the Day is a project of Duke Augustus and Duchess Susanna, The Duke and Duchess of Peace. The Duke and Duchess recognize that one of the paths to peace is to find soulful and nonviolent entertainment, and to express oneself with art and song. We admire simple, well-loved songs like this one, which give everyone a chance to sing-a-long! In addition, today, The Duchess truly enjoyed her delicious, vegan pumpkin pie from Madame Butterfly Cakes.

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