Occupy Christmas Carol medley on Youtube: here.
“99 Silver Bells”, performed by songwriter DMac and The Occupy The Hamptons Choir:
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More about this song, and some more Occupy Christmas Music…
What kind of music do you like? Folk music? Rap music? Christmas carols? Jingles? Now there is a new category of music: “Occupy Carols”. These are holiday songs, turned into celebrations of the occupations.
Occupy Carols even have a subset: Capitalist Carols. Capitalist Carols are Christmas songs, rewritten with occupy lyrics, from the point of view of the banksters and/or capitalists of the 1%. Capitalist Carols are by their nature, satire.
While listening to live video streaming of the D12 occupy actions at the ports, I heard someone singing an occupy version of Jingle Bells. The end of the chorus goes, “Let’s make sure that Christmas is a business like affair…” (I think that song may be based on a 2002 version. See article: here, and words at bottom.)
“99 Silver Bells” is the Peace Song of the Day at Peace Couple for Tuesday, December 13th. This song is an Occupation Carol, on the lighter side. It has empowering ideas for occupiers. My favorite line is “Things the cops use…cannot stop views…”
Lyrics to
99 Silver Bells
by DMac
(An Occupy Wall Street Christmas Song)
On city sidewalks you can hear talk
Echo mile after mile
In the air there’s a feeling of wonder*
The world is watching
People marching
Waving signs as they pass
And on ev’ry street corner you hear*
99…99…99 percent of the people
Hear the ring-a-ling Wall street ding
Soon it will ring for us all*
Things the cops use
Cannot stop views
Something here has been freed
As the shoppers spend all their last treasure*
See the cops bunch and batons crunch
As the protests proceed
Cause above all the bustle you hear*
99…99…99 percent of the people
Hear the ring-a-ling Wall street ding
Soon it will ring for us all*
99…99…99 percent of the people
Hear the ring-a-ling Wall street ding
Soon it will ring for us all
If you enjoyed this song, you should think of taking your own tour through Youtube (or other video social media) and searching for “Christmas” “songs” and “occupy”. There is an abundance of wonderful, original music, and some fun and funny stuff based on traditional holiday songs. Here are some cool things I found:
A new song:
Occupy Wall Street Christmas Song by Alexa
(Hey! That is Ian’s photo at 4min and 08secs. Cool!)
A new song:
All I Want For Christmas Is A Job
And, for your sing-a-long sheets, go to the Hudson Valley Time-Herald Record, where you can find the full lyrics to a 2002 Capitalist Carol: “Boardroom Jingle Bells”, with words by Howard Ryan. It starts off, “Profits here, profits there, profits everywhere…Advertise, glamorize, fool them with a flair.”

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