Biko by Peter Gabriel is the Peace Song of the Day for November 16th. Steve Biko was a South African anti-apartheid activist who was murdered by the police in 1977.
Excerpt from lyrics:
You can blow out a candle
But you can’t blow out a fire
Once the flames begin to catch
The wind will blow it higher
Oh Biko, Biko, because Biko
Yihla Moja, Yihla Moja
-The man is dead
A message from some folks currently in jail because of their commitment to the cause of justice…
From The Occupiers Inside Of Central Booking [NYC]
Posted at 5:24 p.m. [November 16, 2011]
While we’ve been imprisoned here we’ve held Assemblies and Mic Checked corrections officers to attend to urgent medical conditions, some of which were the result of police brutality during the raids. There is no food except for bread, no cleanliness, no hygiene, no waters, no showers. There are non-occupiers who are suffering here as well.
*We do not know what we have been charged with.
*We want freedom!
*This message was consensed upon by a group of occupiers imprisoned by Billionare Michael Bloomberg and his private army, and relayed to members of the Legal Working Group of #ows.
-posted at